Mandatory green pass, buffer boom: “Be wary of downward discounts”

Mandatory green pass, in the last weeks of September “there was a real boom in requests for tampons in pharmacies”. And “this trend will increase in view of the deadline of October 15” when the Green Certification “will be mandatory for returning to work”. The president of Federfarma Marco Cossolo underlines this to Adnkronos Salute, who on the offers of discounted Covid-19 tampons for those who need a fixed-term certificate points out: “it would be better to be wary of certain offers that, although not prohibited by the agreement signed with the commissioner, leave me some doubts “. Cossolo goes into the merits of why he is against the discounts on antigen tests for the Green pass. “The first thing – he explains – is the health issue: a maximum price of 15 has been established which allows the pharmacy a fair margin as already done at the time with the masks. But certainly things must be done well and try, I just hope with efficiency and competition, to offer a lower price must in any case guarantee me the quality of the test and the safety for the customer. Anyone who does not respect the protocols incurs penalties, it is good to remember that “. Another observation by the president of the owners is that in recent months the pharmacies “have distinguished themselves for the help they have given in the anti-Covid vaccination campaign and are now starting with the flu. I do not think it is very nice that the same pharmacist works on this front, even informing on the value of vaccines, and at the same time, on the other hand, offers, at a discount, the tests to have the Green pass without vaccination. It is not nice – concludes Cossolo – even if he does not commit any crime “.

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