Covid today Italy, stable Rt: incidence decreases

The Covid-19 transmissibility index in Italy is no longer decreasing, but stable: in the period 8-21 September the average Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was equal to 0.83 (last week it was 0.82) , in any case below the epidemic threshold of 1. This is what emerges from the report released by the Higher Institute of Health (Iss), on the monitoring of the control room relating to the trend of Covid-19. The data shows that “the weekly incidence on a national level is still decreasing: 37 per 100,000 inhabitants in the period 24-30 September, compared to 48 per 100,000 inhabitants (13-19 September), ISS data”. The country therefore remains below the weekly threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants “which could allow the control of transmission based on containment or on the identification of cases and the tracing of their contacts.” transmissibility index based on cases with hospitalization: it stands at 0.80 as of 21 September, against the value of 0.86 as of 14 September. Employment of wards and intensive care units decreases The employment of hospital wards and intensive care by Covid patients slightly decreases. According to the data of the report, “the employment rate in intensive care” is in fact “slightly down to 4.6% (daily survey by the Ministry of Health). The employment rate in medical areas nationwide decreases to 5.5%. “. Continuous decline in cases not associated with transmission chains The number of new cases “of Covid-19” not associated with transmission chains is still “decreasing (7,070 vs 8,482 in the previous week)”. “The percentage of cases detected through contact tracing activities is slightly increasing (34% vs 33% last week) – reports the ISS – The percentage of cases detected through the appearance of symptoms instead slightly decreases (45% vs 46%). The percentage of cases diagnosed through screening remains stable (21% vs 21%) “. All low-risk regions except moderate Lazio “Only one Region is classified at moderate risk, according to the Ministerial Decree of 30 April 2020. The remaining 20 Regions / Autonomous Provinces are classified as low risk”, according to the data contained in the report released by the Higher Institute of Health (Iss), on the monitoring of the control room relating to the progress of Covid-19. From the tables attached to the draft of the document, the overall risk classification is moderate for Lazio. “Only an autonomous Region / Province – continues the report – reports a resilience alert”, that is Bolzano, again according to the annexes in the draft. “None reports multiple resilience alerts. Dominant delta, ahead with vaccines, tracking and caution” A higher vaccination coverage and the completion of vaccination cycles are the main tools to prevent further recurrence of episodes of increased circulation of the virus “Sars-CoV -2 “supported by emerging variants”, the warning that is reiterated in the report. The text also reiterates the opportunity to “implement a capillary tracking and containment of cases, maintain high attention and apply and comply with measures and behaviors to limit the further increase in viral circulation “. Also to keep the Delta variant based, which, as mentioned in the draft of the document, is” dominant since July “in Italy, as it is currently in the entire European Union. associated with increased transmissibility.

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