Covid vaccine, third dose “not taken for granted for healthy young people”

After the elderly, RSA, health and frailty, the third dose of the Covid vaccine will be extended to other segments of the population. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in his speech at the 2021 City Festival promoted by the League of local autonomies, answering the question about a possible extension of the recall. But according to Professor Franco Locatelli, coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee, for “healthy and young subjects it is anything but obvious that we should go towards a third dose”. Meanwhile, more than 6% have already been given a third booster injection. And in September the ‘fourth wave’ of the epidemic slowed down, with the latest data indicating less than 40 infections per week per 100,000 inhabitants. Hope: “The scientific community will guide us” On the extension of the third dose to everyone “we will rely as always on our scientific authorities, I think it will be gradually extended to other areas but our scientific community will guide us as we have always done. There is also constant dialogue with other scientific authorities in the world. We will evaluate whether enlargement is essential, but I mean that there are no problems with the supply of doses, “he said. Locatelli (Cts): “Third dose for healthy young people is not a foregone conclusion” According to Franco Locatelli, coordinator of the technical-scientific committee for the Covid emergency, the third dose for healthy and young people is absolutely not taken for granted “. Before extending the ‘ booster ‘to everyone, Locatelli explained, “it is necessary to provide coverage in countries where the vaccination campaign is incomparably lower”. “Covid has become the fourth cause of death in Italy”, while “in the US it is in third place”, he said. said. “According to data collected by the WHO – he underlined – in 94% of countries the pandemic then caused an alteration or interruption of health services.” In Lazio vaccine recall for 140 thousand over 80 In Lazio meanwhile the new recall of Covid-19 vaccine for the over 80. “From today at midnight the online booking service will be active for the over 80s who have received the second dose by 31 March 2021: an audience of 140 thousand users. Reservations are possible on, by entering the number of the health card, and by choosing the vaccination center or pharmacy near the house. Anyone who wants can do the third dose of the recall from their family doctor by contacting him directly “. The regional councilor for health, Alessio D’Amato, underlines this in the daily Covid bulletin.” The self-sufficient over 80s who have previously received the Covid vaccination a domicile – he remembers – will be contacted directly by the local health authorities and will not have to do anything. Guests in RSA and other residential structures will not have to do anything, they will receive the third dose directly from the ASL teams, from the Uscar or from the structures that host them “.

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