Reopening of discos, Pregliasco: “On New Year’s Eve if curve stable”

To reopen the discos we have to wait a little longer, “between December and January. Maybe for New Year if all goes well, or if the Covid-19 contagion curve remains stable”. The virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor of Hygiene at the University of Milan, says this to Adnkronos Health. “The difficulty of the managers to whom my solidarity goes is very understandable. a series of negative aspects that are those due to a general lowering of the guard compared to the past, to temperature changes, to the reopening of work activities in increasingly massive presence and to the school that you want to keep open “, lists the virologist. “All elements that – he remembers – are in fact an important first step, but to be kept under control”. The watchword, repeats Pregliasco, is “graduality”. In this context there is also the no to the reopening of discos, which “are places where – the expert reasons – all the possible risk is concentrated: there is prolonged proximity, we talk about each other, we sweat, we have a greater frequency of breathing because we dance, we exchange glasses. In short, last summer there were exemplary situations that highlighted it “. But doesn’t the Green pass change the scenario? Impossible to think of contingent admissions as for cinemas and theaters? “Let’s see it in the making – replies the virologist – Let’s remain cautious”.

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