School, principal Marymount: “classmate in quarantine? Imprudent, the duration must be reduced”

The hypothesis of quarantine reduced to the classmate collides with a problem: “the geography and logistics of schools. In some situations they are functional, there is distance, we have air purifiers in the classrooms and so on. But not. this is always the case. Therefore it is not a measure of prudence “. Speaking with Adnkronos is Andrea Forzoni, principal of the Marymount Institute, an equal Catholic school in Rome, who adds: “the risk of quarantine limited to the classmate is excessive. But shortening the times may have its reasons: I believe that it would be more prudent to limit the quarantine to five days, for example, with a swab to the fifth before returning to school. On the other hand, cases of contagiousness in the classroom among children have been rare, we are absolutely certain “. Then the principal of the Marymount solicits a reflection: “the teachers’ quarantines. At a table with some local health authorities in Rome we are trying to resolve the fact that childhood and primary teachers are often sent to quarantine automatically by some health companies. it must not happen because the legislation speaks of close contacts “. The indications that arrive at the schools must be placed in a homogeneous framework throughout the territory and be as precise and unambiguous as possible, not the result of a free interpretation of the Local Health Authority and the regions: “it is absurd that some health companies automatically quarantine childhood and primary teachers where there was only one case of positivity among the students, without looking at compliance with safety conditions “. It is a lightness that costs dear to schools: “In elementary school – explains Forzoni – there can be from 3 to 5 teachers per class shared with other classes. If isolated at home, they will teach in dad lessons even in face-to-face groups”. This circumstance requires a further effort on the part of the school administration because “the aforementioned classes in the presence must then be controlled by other teachers”, while in the scenario the variables multiply exponentially, complicating the management out of all proportion. “Just imagine the re-triggering of the mechanism. What will happen if, when the teacher returns, another class enters quarantine?”. Paintings that “must be avoided. If there were a more coherent direction – concludes the Dean – they would not happen”. (by Roberta Lanzara)

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