Prof. Rocca: ‘investigation overwhelmed me like a truck, today I consider it closed page’

“I am very calm, today begins a path for those who will have to face the trial. This does not concern me but I will follow it like many others, on the other hand the story touched me a lot but I consider it a closed page, with all the wounds it caused me “. Speaking to the Adnkronos is Lorenzo Rocca, a former professor at the University for Foreigners of Perugia who, having ended up in the investigation of the farce exam of Italian to the football player Suarez with the accusation of forgery and revelation, has in fact come out of it by negotiating a year with suspended sentence. His name appears on the charge because of the competition, but in fact – as he himself points out – he is out of it. “I hope that the investigation has not completely compromised my career – continues the examining teacher – Now I’m trying to relocate myself, it will take time to rebuild but I’m finding smart people who are believing in me and whom I must surely thank. I found a lot of solidarity right from the start, even effective, not just in words. From that I started and slowly I’m trying to recreate the conditions to start over “. From the University for Foreigners of Perugia? “At the moment I would say no – replies Rocca – even if in life you can never say, but more no than yes. However, I have not remained idle, I am working and I hope to be able to communicate in this sense soon, maybe in details”. “I spent really bad months, of course, I thought I would not make it, I did not sleep at night, in the throes of an inner anguish. It was as if a truck had hit me – he remembers – I think I have taken on my responsibilities, even if there are sides of the story that are not yet clear to me. It was traumatic in the media, in my family, we all suffered so much, in my opinion extremely. Evidently things had to go like this, I’m a fatalist and I always try to see the glass half full. Even if between September and December it was not easy to see anything but emptiness, with 2021 things are turning and full is increasing. Not only for me, in terms of health and dignity, but also for my my family “. (by Silvia Mancinelli)

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