Covid, positive Archbishop Babjak: concelebrated with the Pope

The Greek-Catholic Metropolitan Archbishop of Prešov, Slovakia, Ján Babjak, who concelebrated with the Pope in recent days is in quarantine after he tested positive for Covid last Saturday. The archdiocese of Prešov announced this by letting it be known that on Friday the bishop had begun to show symptoms of a cold. Babjak is vaccinated and, as the archdiocese always reports, shows mild symptoms of the disease. Babjak, 67, metropolitan archbishop of Prešov, concelebrated the Liturgy of John Chrysostom in Prešov together with Pope Francis during the pontiff’s apostolic visit last Tuesday, and was also present at several other meetings with the Holy Father. archdiocese informed the secretariat of the Slovak Bishops’ Conference which informed the Vatican, and all the bishops who may have been in contact with Msgr. Babjak.

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