Frosinone, inmate shoots in prison. Chief Dap: “Gun delivered with drone”

A detainee yesterday fired gunshots in the Frosinone prison. “The fact is very serious,” said the head of the Dap Bernardo Petralia at the exit of the penitentiary, where he went personally as requested by the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia. “Everything that can be done, as a use of personnel and resources, as Dap we will do and will do starting tomorrow, also working on ascertaining what happened in perfect agreement and synergy with the judicial authority – he continued – I believe that the problem, from the point of view of the findings, is now reasonably clear: it was a drone that delivered this gun which the prisoner took possession of “. “The problem shifts from the point of view of the measures that the Dap will face immediately”, he continued. DETAILED GUARANTOR “What happened in the Frosinone prison is of extreme gravity, there is no doubt, and it is an episode that in my opinion, instead of giving rise to useless and misleading discussions on dynamic surveillance or not, reveals a need for professional adaptation , of the attention that we must always have for these new technologies such as drones “, Mauro Palma, national guarantor of prisoners, told Adnkronos. “There is a control problem, which must be rethought in another way. It cannot be said that the prisoners are too free, because in this case the prisoner was in high security and the single cell was only opened for have a shower”. “Whether the gun was brought by a drone or the stork – continues Palma – we must not think only about the faults but about the needs. There are new technologies and we must also be prepared to intercept these events”. At the heart of the problems is, according to what complained by the trade unions, the scourge of staff shortages. “It is true – confirms the guarantor of the prisoners – it is necessary to strengthen the staff in numerical terms, but there is also a problem of adequate employment of prison officers with shifts, with the right organization. It is right to integrate the staff with the missing agents, but it is even more useful to specialize those available, thinking about what it means today to check with new tools for risks that were not there before “.UILPA” Yesterday afternoon, around 3.00 pm, about half an hour earlier when the inmate fired six 7.65 caliber rounds at other confined people who violently attacked him three days earlier, the noise of a drone was clearly heard in the prison perimeter. It also seems that the protective net of the window of the bomber’s cell has been torn off at an angle, just enough for the introduction of a gun ”. This was declared by Gennarino De Fazio, Secretary General of the Uilpa Penitentiary Police, speaking again on the sensational shooting yesterday afternoon in the Frosinone prison. De Fazio explains: “The comings and goings of drones are very frequent in many prisons, including that of Frosinone, and the prison police can do nothing against it, which is not equipped with any device to identify them and inhibit the frequencies on which they occur. remote piloting. Yet, the instruments exist, they are inexpensive, portable and easy and immediate to place. Why, then, not buy a certain number and dispatch them to what may be the most sensitive targets, perhaps even secretly moving them from one side to the other in a deterrent form? “” But the total disarray of prisons – continues the Secretary of Uilpa PP – it is not only due to the undersizing of the staff of the Penitentiary Police, 17 thousand missing units, and to the inconsistency of the equipment, it must also be sought in the overall disorganization and in an ineffective custodial model, whose change has been announced for many years, but it always remains so. In fact, we also have to ask ourselves why the prisoner had the gun delivered and decided to use it against his attackers a few days earlier by doing justice himself. On why those who had beaten him were still a few cells away, in the same prison section and had the possibility to continue to threaten and mock him. “” Where was the state, apart from those few of the prison police and, in particular, that agent who up to the end dissuaded the bomber who then spontaneously handed over the weapon? – Asks – We believe, ultimately, that the author of the insane gesture, as well as being guilty, is himself the victim of a bankruptcy system, of which the Minister Cartabia and the Government should finally and concretely take note, beyond those that up to now they have appeared as sterile declamations of principle, empty of any pragmatic content ”. “We reiterate it – concludes De Fazio -, if the signals that we have been hoping for for too long do not arrive in the next few hours, the sense of responsibility will make us take noisy initiatives to recall the Government and politics to their duties” .FP CGIL “What happened yesterday in the Frosinone prison proves, once again, that our complaints were well founded. The prison system is in collapse and the safety of those who work there and those who are restricted are at risk. We ask the Minister Cartabia to pursue what we have proposed: organizational reform and strong investments are needed ”. This was stated by the Fp Cgil Nazionale regarding what happened at the Frosinone prison where a prisoner threatened an agent with a gun and then shot at three other inmates. “More than the work of the umpteenth commission of experts – continues the union – , among other things made up only minimally of operators in the sector, even if they have proven experience, to reform the penitentiary system, Minister Cartabia should accept the proposals we have put forward. We do not need a reform of the codes, on which there already exists an in-depth study commissioned by the then Minister Orlando, but of an organizational reform that is accompanied by huge investments for the recruitment of staff, the safety of the structures, the purchase of technological means and equipment and the implementation of treatment activities “. For the FP CGIL,” our prisons are dilapidated, the staff is heavily understaffed and we work without tools: if not starting from this any reform would be useless. We need to analyze what doesn’t work and propose how to make it work. In this regard, we have long ago sent to the Minister our proposals to modify the organizational models, operational ones and the innovation of professional profiles. As always, we are available for further discussions and we ask the owner of the department in via Arenula for concrete answers on these issues ”, he concludes.