Covid, Calenda: “Free tampons? State is not Santa Claus”

“I am in favor of the mandatory Green Pass in the workplace and against the idea that the state must finance those who do not vaccinate with free tampons. The state is not Santa Claus, it is made with the money of citizens who have been vaccinated and not. it is possible that those who are not helped in this way. The position of the trade unions is truly incomprehensible “. This was stated by the candidate for mayor in Rome, Carlo Calenda, during his meeting with the General Council of Unindustria at the headquarters in via Andrea Noale 206. On the upcoming elections in Rome, continues Calenda, “the center right is absent and has no shred of program. Michetti is an untenable candidate and it is dangerous to present a person so unprepared to manage the most difficult city in the world. They presented him as the genius of the administration but he is not. Just do vague electoral campaigns “. The intervention priorities, growth trajectories and concrete proposals towards which the capital must aim according to the business system were presented by the president of Unindustria, Angelo Camilli. All this through the “Manifesto of Unindustria” which contains, in five points, the main requests of the new mayor who will be elected: a unique, livable, productive, intelligent capital and above all a future capital because it is the protagonist of the country’s future, with a vision who governs its development for the next 20 years. “Michetti – continues Calenda – is a gentleman who has occasionally worked as a consultant for very few municipalities. to lose but is that if Michetti were elected he could disintegrate the city. He has no administrative capacity and we would find ourselves in front of a Rays in the Brothers of Italy version “. “In Rome we always talk about the same thing, economic development and the garbage problem. I had worked at Mise for a table for Rome and I will reconstitute it, with meetings once every 6 months to take stock of the situation on the city. Unindustria there is a great coincidence in the programs, especially on the waste issue. There has been talk of the creation of the waste-to-energy plant and I am the only favorable candidate. My opponents never speak of municipal utilities such as Ama or Atac, if not in a vague way. Instead, we must be clear and precise because this city is really in trouble. It is not possible for Rome to be invaded by Roma camps. We must give all Roman citizens the opportunity to have a home and send their children to school. At Technopole, on the other hand, they are not only favorable but we are already working on it “concludes Calenda.