Salvatore Borsellino: “Let’s not unify the anniversaries of Capaci and via D’Amelio”

(by Rossella Guadagnini) Today is the 29th anniversary of the Capaci massacre. But it has also become that of the memory of the Via D’Amelio massacre of 19 July 1992. The massacres fall on dates 57 days apart: there is controversy over the decision to unify the memory of Falcone and Borsellino in the name of the victims. “They had already made Francesca Morvillo, also a magistrate, disappear from the commemorations, who died on May 23 and left alone in the tomb where she rested with her husband, killed in the same attack on the Capaci motorway – says Salvatore Borsellino, brother of the judge to the Adnkronos Paolo and founder of the Agende Rosse movement – Now they have unified the dates of May 23 and July 19. Perhaps they also want to fade the memory of those 57 days when no precaution was taken to save a magistrate that everyone knew would be killed “. “He was not warned of the explosives that arrived in Palermo for the massacre – continues Borsellino – the parking ban was not activated in via D’Amelio, where Paolo also often went to visit our mother, that was not used for his escort. bomb-jammer ‘, which also already existed, which Giovanni Falcone had explicitly requested, and which was instead equipped with Di Pietro’s armored car, which was also taken to Honduras to save his life “. “Maybe they want to avoid being forced, on two different dates, instead of just one, to do verbal balancing act to commemorate two magistrates exalted in words and whose instead, in fact, it is proposed to dismantle the inheritance – with 41bis , life imprisonment and collaborators of justice – who have left us as regards the real means of fighting organized crime “. ‘Institutions and politics are doing nothing for the search for truth’ In thirty years the political and social climate with respect to those events has changed: today is there more hypocrisy or more truth? “The social climate has changed, – Borsellino specifies – but above all among young people. The political climate has worsened if possible. Just look at the place it occupies in the programmatic speeches of the heads of government who have succeeded in the fight against organized crime in recent years. , which is the real emergency of our country, even more so than Covid which, on the other hand, represents an opportunity to be exploited for organized crime “. If remembering means ‘fighting for the search for truth’, forgetting means making peace, perhaps even to forgive. What is better, in this case, memory or oblivion? “It is memory, not sterile memory, which has the meaning of fighting in order not to forget, for truth and justice. If forgiveness means forgetting then it is not part of my chords and my vocabulary”. politics in general are doing something concrete to search for the truth about the mafia massacres? “Perhaps in words, certainly not in facts – says the brother of the murdered judge – At most we speak of ‘unspeakable truths’. But the truth, as such, cannot be unspeakable, indeed it must be proclaimed loudly. The State it can hardly come to trial itself “. The olive tree of memory and the sleep of the righteous The initiative of the olive tree of memory in via D’Amelio is proceeding swiftly: did you expect this sequel? “The ‘Escort for Memory’ in via D’Amelio was a spark that caused a fire. I asked one person a day to give one day of their life to those who gave their lives for us”. “People have arrived from all over the world: from Palermo, Sicily and all over Italy and beyond, who as a group keep the memory of Paolo, Agostino, Claudio, Emanuela, Vincenzo and Walter Eddie every day Cosina “.” We are on the twenty-third day of the garrison of ‘civic escort’ at the tree symbol of the massacre and, from tomorrow, we will mark one by one the 57 days that pass to arrive at July 19. And, before July 19, of the lights of the same colors of the flag for which these men sacrificed their lives, their righteous sleep will watch from dusk to dawn “.