Next week of good weather, where and until when

Summer has not abandoned us, quite the contrary. In fact, next week the good weather with the heat that will accompany us until the weekend of 121/12 August. The forecast has therefore been overturned, says, compared to previous updates and we will therefore find ourselves moving from a start characterized by a rapid storm surge in the South to a great surprise with the return of the anticyclone. Next week will start immediately under the banner of a stormy impulse with the possibility of heavy rainfall, even in the form of a storm, already on Monday 6 September: at risk will be mainly Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and central-eastern Sicily, sectors where they will blow also intense winds from the northern quadrants that will significantly lower temperatures; in short, even though it is a real advance of autumn, these areas will be the first signs of an imminent seasonal change. Be careful because the still high temperatures of our seas could provide the extra energy necessary for the development of massive storm cells capable of discharging large quantities of water to the ground in a very short time: in short, you risk the notorious lightning floods. however, the real news will come. The advance of a promontory of the African anticyclone will lead to a jolt of summer over the whole of Italy. In fact, in addition to a newfound atmospheric stability, temperatures are also expected to increase considerably given the origin of the air mass, with peaks destined again to touch 30/31 ° C, especially in the Center-South and on the two major islands. . All this will happen for the Center-North almost immediately, but will involve a bit all of Italy starting from mid-week.This late-summer blaze will accompany us at least until the first part of the weekend 11/12 September, then the latest updates available to us tend towards yet another twist. From the Atlantic Ocean, a large depression area could soon reach our country, starting a decidedly unstable and fresh phase that would affect many regions starting from Sunday 12 / Monday 13.