March on Rome, Roman greetings and hymns to the Duce: the “4mila” parade in Predappio

Parade organized by the ‘Arditi d’Italia’ in Predappio to commemorate the centenary of the March on Rome. The protesters in black shirts, who wore a very long tricolor, left from Piazza Sant’Antonio for the cemetery of San Cassiano. During the journey, songs of the twenty years, including “Black Face”, and hymns to the Duce. To the call “For his excellence Benito Mussolini”, the response was three times with D’Annunzio’s war cry “Eja Eja AlalĂ ”. And again: “To whom Italy?”, “To us”, the answer. Several hundred demonstrators arrived from all over Italy, including women and children. Then, the line-up in front of the cemetery with invitations to put away the sunglasses and respect the flags. “We are thousands, do not crowd”, the invitation to the microphone (then they say: “We are about 4 thousand people”), “have patience, we are waiting for everyone to arrive”. “On behalf of the Arditi d’Italia association, I thank everyone for this memorable, wonderful day, which will never be repeated – the words of the organizers – At the end of the event we will make the present. Even today they warned us that those who make the Roman salute Whoever wants to do so is free to do so, whoever does not want to can put his hand on his heart “. Then, in front of the cemetery, the reading of the prayer of the legionary and that of the Ardito and the Bersagliere and a reading made by the great-granddaughter of the Duce, Vittoria Mussolini. Following the greeting of his sister Orsola Mussolini: “So numerous and disciplined – he said – you are a moving sight. My wish and my sister Vittoria’s is to bring you a warm thank you for having organized and completed this event so heartfelt. Event served. to remember the march of 100 years ago “that led the king” to give our great-grandfather the task of being Prime Minister. From there he and his collaborators set out to create a new, more efficient and more effective state, aimed at solve problems “. Mussolini recalled the” successes “of the twenty years, the” numerous public works “, such as” schools, hospitals, sanatoriums “, and then” free health care for all, pensions for all workers “, reclamations, the birth of Littoria, “now called Latina”, a “parliament that in just 30 days sent a law to be signed by the king”. “100 years have passed and we are still here”, he concluded, inviting all those who intend to pay homage to Mussolini’s tomb to “respect this sacred place” and keep quiet. The ceremony ended with “the present”, the ritual call repeated three times “Camerata Benito Mussolini”, and the response of the crowd with outstretched arms “Present”.