Palermo, raid on the Libyan Consulate: “Torturers” – Video

Blitz this morning at the Libyan Consulate in Palermo. At the entrance to the headquarters, which is located in the central street in via Libertà, posters were posted with images of ‘Libyan concentration camps’ and a plaque was affixed with the words:’ Consulate torturers Libya’. An action of disobedience filmed and claimed through a flyer from ‘The women and men of good will of the New Mediterranean’. In the images of the raid, which Adnkronos has come into possession of, some people can be seen wearing white overalls and their faces covered while posting posters with the images of migrants and the words ‘Libyan concentration camps’ and ‘torturers’ on the external walls of the consulate. ‘. At the entrance to the consulate, a plaque was placed with the words ‘Consulate torturers Libya’ on the ground and on the walls thrown some red liquid to symbolize blood. “We visited today the Libyan Consulate in Palermo – reads the leaflet claiming the action -. A peaceful but determined action to restore the true image of what this place represents: a government, that of Tripoli, where they are authorized militias of murderers and bandits, carrying out horrific violence against migrant women, men and children, locked up in concentration camps or hunted down in the streets as prey to a bloody hunt. It is the dirty work of ‘guard dogs’ of the border outsourced to the south Europe, which provides for the detention and also the physical elimination of human beings, who have the sole fault of wanting to seek refuge in countries beyond the sea, such as Italy “. ‘Women and men of good will of the New Mediterranean ‘point the finger at the “systematic and planned violation” of human rights in Libya, “paid for with hundreds of millions of euros by Italy and Europe”. “In 2017, the then Italian ‘left’ rulers signed a pact with the Libyan armed clans, written with the blood of tens of thousands of innocent people”. The Italy-Libya memorandum for the perpetrators of the raid would have the objective of “making it legal to torture, rape, kill asylum seekers, in order to prevent them from reaching the Sicilian coasts. To finance the construction of concentration camps, train and supply the so-called ‘Libyan Coast Guard’, which has captured tens of thousands of people at sea and deported to Libya. Make legal the violation of the Universal Charter of Human Rights, the Geneva Convention on Refugees, the Hamburg Convention on Rescue at Sea . Making horror and injustice legal “. The Mediterranean, they explain, is “our common home” but also “a cemetery without crosses or tombstones, by the powerful of the Empire”. “We call brothers and sisters those who are forced to cross the deserts and rely on the waves, in order to cross the border between death and life. We are Mediterranean and we recognize the value of a right of citizenship that is not based on the color of the skin, on wealth or poverty, but on humanity. The struggles of our brothers and sisters to conquer the human right to mobility, to reaffirm the inviolable right to be able to seek asylum and refuge are our struggles. And they will build a new Mediterranean “.

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