‘Cold drop’ on Italy, forecasts between thunderstorms and storms

Surprises on the weather front are announced for next week. The novelty that emerges from the latest updates concerns the possible arrival of a “cold drop” descending from Northern Europe which will probably succeed in breaking through to Italy, with also important consequences on many of our regions. As www.ILMeteo.it explains, analyzing the general synoptic picture it emerges that between the Scandinavian Peninsula and Russia there is still a large area of ​​low pressure filled with cold and unstable air of Arctic origin. In the next few days, this mighty structure will drop in latitude to affect a large part of Europe; Subsequently, a core, or cold drop, will come off from the depression, which will drop further in latitude until it reaches Italy in the course of the next week, triggering a phase of bad weather that should not be underestimated. At high latitudes, currents (colder and unstable) flow very different from those that pass at lower latitudes (very hot and stable) and the heat exchanges between Northern and Southern Europe in particular conditions can evolve, in fact, in a drop cold, or rather in a block of cold air at high altitude that detaches itself from a wider Atlantic or North European depression. In short, an area of ​​atmosphere where it is much colder than all the surrounding areas. This nucleus, driven by unstable currents, tends to follow trajectories that are not always predictable and often takes a retrograde direction as in this case (from east to west). this particular meteorological figure can begin to be felt also in Italy. Given the strong thermal and hygrometric contrasts expected, the greatest danger would concern, at least with current data, the Adriatic regions and part of those of the South: the fresh incoming currents could act as a trigger for the genesis, on these sectors, of violent storms , with a high risk of hailstorms and local storms as unfortunately the recent news teaches us. Given the unpredictability of this “unstable top” it is possible that in the next few days the forecast of its direction may change and that thunderstorms may affect different or more areas large.

1 thought on “‘Cold drop’ on Italy, forecasts between thunderstorms and storms”

  1. https://replit.com/@downloadafloatingnautilus

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