Massimo Bossetti: “Letizia Ruggeri must be investigated, the prosecutor lied about the DNA”

Massimo Bossetti is the killer of Yara Gambirasio. The DNA found on the body of the 13-year-old from Brembate says so. The Supreme Court definitively certifies it. Yet, the 54 test tubes containing the mixed biological trace of victim and executioner, moved from the refrigerator of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan to the Criminal Corps office of the Bergamo court, could rekindle the hopes of the man detained in Bollate and create embarrassment to the public prosecutor Letizia Ruggeri who chased Ignoto 1 for a long time. For the defense, represented by the lawyer Claudio Salvagni, you could have specific responsibilities in that change of destination that by interrupting the cold chain – the samples were stored at 80 degrees below zero – could have deteriorated the DNA, making any attempt of new analyzes useless. . Under the magnifying glass – in the request for opposition to the filing that will be discussed in November in court in Venice – there are the statements of the public prosecutor Ruggeri before the deputy prosecutor Adelchi D’Ippolito, but also key passages of the testimonies given by some consultants. In the almost 70-page deed, the defense lines up what happened after 12 October 2018 when the sentence becomes final, without Bossetti ever being able to see the ‘queen trial’ that keeps him in prison up close. the lawyer Salvagni requests access to the DNA samples (and the possibility of examining them) and the next day he obtains the authorization, but does not know that the prosecutor has already asked to move the test tubes: on November 21st the 54 samples are removed from the fridge and delivered by Professor Giorgio Casari to the Bergamo carabinieri, they will reach the court on 2 December 2019, “12 days after” leaving the San Raffaele. Finds subjected to a confiscation order that prohibits their destruction and on which after the first yes to view them by the president of the first criminal section of the court of Bergamo Giovanni Petillo an unusual turnaround arrives that still leaves the defense with a handful of flies The prosecutor of Venice (competent on the magistrates of Bergamo), which investigates the correct conservation of the genetic fingerprint found on Yara’s panties and leggings, files the position of the official in charge of the Offenses and Petillo office accused of fraud procedural and misdirection: “there is no evidence of an orchestrated plan in order to mislead any new defensive investigations”. But Bossetti – who has solicited the investigation with a complaint – is not there and now, in the act addressed to the investigating judge, he points the finger at whoever represented the public prosecution in court. And he does so by claiming that “the 54 samples were suitable for new analyzes “, that” today’s techniques would have solved the serious anomalies “and that the biological samples” had to be stored in the cold, to avoid thawing and consequent deterioration “. Not exactly new statements to those who did not miss a hearing in the trial, but which surprise the prosecutor Letizia Ruggeri. Heard on 10 March 2021, she was pressed by the vicar prosecutor of Venice D’Ippolito who informed her how the professor Casari and Colonel Giampietro Lago at the head of the Ris del Parma told him that the exam was absolutely repeatable and that there was enough DNA to be able to make a new comparison. “But absolutely not, but we have a whole process in which … I have all the minutes of the process in which a completely different thing emerged. But … I mean, I am also quite amazed” the words put in the minutes. “Moreover, that is, the Supreme Court has put an end to that DNA. The residual part that was left in those 54 test tubes was not that I know, that it emerged from the trial, from the preliminary investigations, from what he told me also … all the consultants told me, it was that ‘Yes of course, maybe something comes out, but … but not … but not with this certainty, in these terms with which it is presented to me now, in the most absolute way “he adds.” Bossetti’s DNA, as far as I know, because they told me, because I’m not a technician, (…) as far as I know with that very little … substance that was left in there, now moldy , in the words of Casari, he said that they were almost all … 3% of human DNA, almost all molds, so much so that the investigation that I had instructed him to do was not able to do it due to the poor quality of the material. So I know that it was an absolutely … that is the leftovers and absolutely poor material, unsuitable for any other comparison and re petition for examination. That is, Bossetti’s DNA, so beautiful, so clear, of which we have spoken for all these hearings, so unequivocal, from those finds will never come out again. This is what they told me. So I am really surprised “concludes the prosecutor Ruggeri.” False statements “, according to Bossetti, which would have” conditioned “the process. For this reason he asks the investigating judge of Venice to investigate Letizia Ruggeri, in competition with Giovanni Petillo, for” fraud trial and willful destruction of the finds. “Heavy accusations against the woman who spared neither time nor energy in search of the murderer: the match that transformed Ignoto 1 into Bossetti only came in June 2014, more than three and a half years after the murder of 26 November 2010. A record investigation, with unrivaled numbers in Italy and in the world, until then without suspects and which therefore excluded the presence of defense consultants from the analysis of thousands of genetic profiles that led to the name of the For the lawyer Claudio Salvagni who has never touched, or only seen those finds, the road to request a review of the trial remains uphill: that DNA – after the ruling of the Supreme Court – will always be Mas simo Bossetti, but the tests of the 54 ‘thawed’ tubes could add more to the murder of Yara Gambirasio.