Masks at school, Andreoni: “Mistake to start without”

“Given how the coronavirus is still circulating a lot and for the autumn forecast, it would have been better to start school with the certainty of having all masks in the classroom, teachers and students”. This was stated to Adnkronos Salute Massimo Andreoni, head of infectious disease at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome and scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit), speaking on the beginning of the school year, which was the first to return to Italy. school desks for students from the autonomous province of Bolzano. “I imagine that at this point we want to declare the end of the emergency, not only at an institutional-political level, but also at a technical-practical level, admitting – observes Andreoni – that the coronavirus is endemic and will therefore lead to a certain number of cases but it will need to be treated. like all infectious diseases. However – he observes – I would not want to lose sight of the epidemiological trend: starting with mild measures at school and then running for cover due to an increase in cases and pressure on hospitals is the worst thing we could do . It was therefore better – suggests the infectious disease specialist – to start with caution and keep the autumn and possible outbreaks under control at school “.