Covid today Tuscany, 762 infections and 4 deaths: September 3 bulletin

There are 762 new coronavirus infections today 3 September in Tuscany, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are 4 more deaths. The new cases, 143 confirmed with molecular swabs and the other 619 with rapid tests, bring the number of infected persons detected in the region since the beginning of the pandemic up to 1 million and 379,118 and are 0.1 percent more than the total of the previous day. The healed also grew by 0.1 percent (1,410 people) and reached 1,287,546 (93.4% of total cases). The data relating to the trend of the pandemic are those ascertained today on the basis of the requests of the National Civil Protection. At the moment in Tuscany they are therefore 80,908 positive, 0.8 percent less than yesterday. Of these, only 250 (down by sixteen in twenty-four hours, – 6 percent) are hospitalized: nine (stable value) are in intensive care. Four deaths are added, but only one occurred in the last two days while the others refer to previous weeks: a total of 3 men and 1 woman, with an average age of 83.8 years. Since the last daily bulletin, 855 molecular swabs and 6,009 rapid antigenic swabs have been performed: of these 11.1 percent tested positive. On the other hand, 1,298 subjects were tested, excluding the control swabs: 58.7% of these tested positive. The average age of the 762 new positives is around 53: 9 percent are under twenty, 16 percent between 20 and 39, 30 percent between 40 and 59, 34 percent between 60 and 79 and 11 percent eighty years or more. With the latest cases the positives rise to 376,814 since the beginning of the emergency in the municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Florence (162 more than yesterday), 92,507 in the province of Prato (43 in more), 108,638 in Pistoia (51 more), 69,213 in Massa Carrara (62 more), 147,275 in Lucca (94 more), 160,008 in Pisa (79 more), 124,734 in Livorno (89 more), 124,758 in Arezzo (75 more), 98,868 in Siena (61 more) and 75,748 in Grosseto (46 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. To these must be added 555 positive cases reported in Tuscany but concerning residents in other regions. 271 new reports in the Central Local Health Authority, 309 in the North West, 182 in the South East. Tuscany is in tenth place in Italy in terms of overall number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic (between residents and non-residents), with approximately 37,345 per 100,000 inhabitants (the Italian average is 36,983, yesterday’s figure). At the moment, the province of notification with the highest rate is Lucca (with 38,357 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), followed by Pisa (38,281) and Livorno (37,914). The lowest concentration is confirmed in Grosseto (with a rate of 34,771). 80,658 are in isolation at home, because they have mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free (636 less than yesterday, minus 0.8%). The 1,410 healed registered today are in all respects certified with a negative swab. In today’s bulletin, the list of deaths is updated with four new deaths: 3 men and 1 woman with an average age of 83.8 years. They were resident in the provinces of Livorno, Arezzo and Grosseto, while the fourth victim lived outside Tuscany. Therefore, the deaths from the beginning of the epidemic rise to 10,664: 3,344 in the metropolitan city of Florence, 873 in the province of Prato, 962 in Pistoia, 681 in Massa Carrara, 1,006 in Lucca, 1,208 in Pisa, 808 in Livorno, 674 in Arezzo , 556 in Siena and 399 in Grosseto. 153 people who died on Tuscan soil but residing outside the region must be added. The raw mortality rate for Covid-19 (number of deaths out of the resident population) is currently 288.8 per 100 thousand residents, against 296.7 for the Italian average. Tuscany is ninth among the regions. As for the provinces, the highest mortality rate is found in Massa Carrara (358.7 per 100 thousand inhabitants), followed by the metropolitan city of Florence (334.9) and Pistoia (331.4), while the lowest is in Grosseto (183.2).