Prisons, suicide alarm: 59 since the beginning of the year, never so many

In the first eight months of 2022, 59 people committed suicide in prison. More than one every four days. Numbers that “generate a real alarm, having no precedent in recent years”. To underline this is the Antigone association, which has drawn up a dossier on suicides in prison. “Since the beginning of the year, the phenomenon has shown signs of alarming acceleration, reaching the impressive figure of 15 suicides in the month of August alone, one every two days. Two thirds of the current year, it has already been exceeded the total of cases in 2021, equal to 57 deaths “, recalls Antigone. Of the 59 people who committed suicide in prison, 4 were women. “A particularly high number if we consider that the percentage of the female prisoner population represents only 4.2% of the total”. The average age of people who have taken their own lives is 37. The youngest of all were two 21-year-olds, detained in the San Vittore and Ascoli Piceno prison houses in Milan. The eldest was a 70-year-old man detained in the Genoa Marassi prison. There were 28 people of foreign origin, ie 47.5% of cases. To date, the institution where more cases of suicide have occurred since the beginning of the year is the Foggia Prison with four deaths. Followed with three suicides each, the Prisons of Milan San Vittore, Monza and Rome Regina Coeli. With two suicides there are then the Prisons of Ascoli Piceno, Genoa Marassi, Pavia, Piacenza, Terni, Turin and the Palermo Ucciardone Prison House.