University: Unicusano and Manalive, the master in ‘Cooperation and Geopolitics’ is born

At the start of the II level master with the participation of many illustrious names from the academic world and beyond. The new online master in “Cooperation and Geopolitics”, the result of the collaboration between Unicusano and Manalive, and was strongly desired to underline the close correlation between humanitarian activities, development projects and geopolitics, particularly in third world countries. In this regard, the President of Manalive, Gianmarco Oddo, declared: “The recent crisis in Ukraine has plastically demonstrated this link with the action of a myriad of associations that arrived in the Ukrainian territories without knowing the history, roots, causes. of war and without having a clear vision for the future. Without these cultural presuppositions, there can be no room for the establishment of a productive dialogue, the primary objective of non-profit organizations “. An innovative didactic structure. Alongside academic figures of international level, there will also be operational directors of NGOs active in some of the most complex scenarios both from a humanitarian and geopolitical point of view. These contributions, in the vision of the organizing committee of the university master, have the fundamental task of transmitting to students operational notions for the realization of complex humanitarian missions. The geopolitical insights, by journalists and geopolitical experts, will provide various objective analyzes and food for thought on specific topical issues in order to stimulate the students’ ability to criticize. Cooperation and geopolitics will therefore be addressed from an economic, legal and diplomatic point of view, defining the opportunities, limits and risks of this activity thanks to in-depth studies, also in this area, by specialists in the sector. Finally, to frame the phenomenon of humanitarian cooperation in the corporate context, one of the channels for conveying humanitarian messages at a global level, there will be the contribution of managers of leading companies who will bring their experience in the internal and external corporate communication of the various humanitarian initiatives. and social issues. “In the current geopolitical context – concluded Professor Anna Pirozzoli, Rector Vicar of Unicusano – our University wants to offer an important training opportunity in the field of international cooperation, in the dimension of humanitarian action and declined as a tool for policy implementation. In this perspective, the II Level Master in Cooperation and Geopolitics, in didactic partnership with Manalive, proves to be of great importance for all those who wish to understand the mechanisms of current international political scenarios and acquire transversal skills also in the field of missions. complex humanitarian ions “.