Covid Italy, Hope: “Vaccines updated in 10 days, after Aifa ok”

“Ema today will give the first ok to vaccines suitable for Omicron variants, on 5 September Aifa will decide and I believe that the first supplies will arrive around the first ten days of September”. This was announced by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, guest of the forum of ‘La Stampa’. The minister then returned to anti-inflammatories. “We were the first country that gave clear indications on anti-inflammatories, all the circulars starting from November 2020 have always given these recommendations – said Speranza – Also in this case the message was’ that you let us vaccinate to do so there are care'”. But “saying no to vaccines because there are treatments is wrong. We followed the protocols, the Higher Health Council gave favorable opinions, Professor Remuzzi himself, author of the study on anti-inflammatories, said not to exploit the scientific work” . “Covid has not disappeared, it did not take a plane and went to Mars. We should still deal with Covid – he remarked – And the road is vaccination, over 90% of Italians have done the double dose and we are among the first for the third. Italians must know what happens to the vaccination campaign after 25 September if the right wins. The right, Salvini and Meloni, have ambiguous attitudes. Those who apply must say how they think about vaccinations and if they want to change their line to the government. Let it be said, the Italians must know “. Asked if in the event of a victory of the center-left the Minister of Health would still do, Speranza replied: “I have a clear conscience, I have done everything possible and I have kept together two essential axes: the primacy of the right to health, there have been moments in which we wanted to open, open and open and I first said the right to health. And then, the second: the centrality of scientific evidence, which we must make ever more protagonist “.