Electric scooters, here are the requirements requested by the Ministry

Electric scooters, a decree published in the Official Gazette that contains all the requisites required by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility to be able to circulate safely and, of course, to avoid penalties. The decree, recalls laleggepertutti.it, lists the technical characteristics of these particular vehicles, already widespread in our cities: from the power to the braking system, from the wheels to the dimensions and to the acoustic and light signaling systems. However, there are no rules of conduct in the provision, already contained in a law that came into force a few years ago. Let’s see how electric scooters must be made and what devices they must be equipped with. Electric scooters: general characteristics According to the decree published recently in the Official Gazette, by “mainly electric propulsion scooter”, commonly called electric scooter, we mean a two-axle vehicle with a single electric motor, equipped with a handlebar and not equipped with a seat. The continuous rated power of the electric motor must not exceed 0.50 kW. Minimum wheel diameter is 203.2mm (8 ”). Tires must be equipped with a tread, whose thickness must be such as to guarantee sufficient grip in all conditions of use. Electric scooters must be equipped with a speed regulator that can be configured according to the limit established, i.e. h in pedestrian areas and 20 km / h in other cases.The maximum dimensions of electric scooters are:
– 2 meters long;
– 75 centimeters wide at its widest point, including the handlebar and excluding any turn indicators;
– 1.50 meters in height The mass in running order (i.e., the mass of the unladen vehicle, ready for normal use, including the mass of liquids and standard equipment indicated by the manufacturer’s specifications, excluding weight batteries) must not exceed 40 kg. Electric scooters are subject to the «CE» marking required by European directive no. 2006/42 / EC. Furthermore, they must show, on a special label, the indication of the maximum load that it can bear under normal conditions of use. Electric scooters: the braking system The ministerial decree focuses in particular on the braking system of electric scooters: vehicles must be equipped with brakes on the front and rear wheels, with an independent device for each axle installed in such a way as to be able to act promptly and effectively on the respective wheels. The independent braking devices can act on the wheel (tire or rim) or on the hub, or, in general, on the transmission components. Electric scooters: lights, reflectors and horn To see, to be seen and also to be heard: this is the purpose of lights, reflectors and horns that electric scooters must be equipped with. In particular, vehicles must have:
– an acoustic signal;
– amber yellow turn indicators (arrows);
– a white or yellow front light and a red back light, in both cases fixed;
– rear red reflectors;
– yellow reflectors applied on the sides. Stop lights are also allowed (what we call “stops” for cars). The sound emitted by the bell must be of such intensity that it can be heard at a distance of at least 30 meters. height between a minimum of 15 centimeters and a maximum of 1.4 meters from the ground. If they are positioned in such a way that they are visible both from the front and from the rear (for example, on the handlebar), only two turn indicators are sufficient. Any brake lights must emit red light and can be installed at a height between a minimum of 15 centimeters and a maximum of 1.4 meters from the ground. also the electric motor.