Denise Pipitone, 18 years ago the disappearance. The father: “Who knows, do you speak”

“Denise, 18 years without you. The hatred, the wickedness and the inability to love of someone has not allowed us in these 18 years to live you, have you close, hug you and cuddle you. Today we will live the sad recurrence of your rapture with pain and so much anger for all the bitter morsels we have had to swallow all these years “. Pietro Pulizzi, the natural father of Denise Pipitone, the 4-year-old girl who disappeared from Mazara del Vallo on September 1, 2004, writes it on social media. Who with his mother, Piera Maggio, dedicates the post to the child. “Eighteen years without being able to celebrate your birthdays by losing the best moments. 18 years of anguish, tears and lack of happiness – says the father – 18 years without you, without the hugs and kisses of your dear mother. On this particular day, we have privately decided to throw a mega pink heart into the sky with a dedication written on it for you, my sweet little swallow. May our message reach you wherever you are “. And again: “Today you will receive many other messages of affection from many people who over time have learned to love you. And I, together with your mother, will once again invoke the rebellion of those consciences that have been silent for too many years . Speak and tell us the truth! Despite all these years, we live your absence daily we will never give up we will never stop looking for you “. “We want the truth. We want justice through capable magistrates not to wait any longer. We want deeds and not words. Your father Pietro”.