From the Church, 40 years after the murder, Palermo remembers the general

The Prefecture of Palermo and the Carabinieri Legion Command ‘Sicily’, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the barbaric ambush in which the Army Corps General Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa, Prefect of Palermo, his consort Emanuela Setti Carraro and the l ‘Chosen Agent Domenico Russo, have organized several commemorative events in Palermo. Tomorrow, at 7 pm there will be the unveiling of a plaque in memory of the Prefect Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa at the Prefecture. At 9 pm the concert of the Carabinieri Band will be held at the Royal Palace, organized with the Sicilian Regional Assembly and the ‘Federico II Foundation’. On Saturday, September 3, at nine, a cushion of flowers will be placed on the bust dedicated to the General, inside the “General CA dalla Chiesa” barracks, headquarters of the ‘Sicily’ Carabinieri Legion Command; at 9.30 the commemorative moment in the place of the massacre, in via Isidoro Carini. At 10, Holy Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of Palermo, officiated by Archbishop Monsignor Corrado Lorefice and, to follow, commemoration with interventions by the highest authorities. At 11.30: deposition, at the memorial stone dedicated to the General in via Vittorio Emanuele, of a floral tribute by the Commander General of the Carabinieri and the children of the “disadvantaged” districts of Palermo. Following, an exhibition, again in via Vittorio Emanuele (at the entrance to the “General CA dalla Chiesa” barracks), of paintings on removable panels, created by the Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo, with subsequent intervention by the curator of the project At noon there will be the inauguration ceremony, near the Sala della Memoria (inside the “General CA dalla Chiesa” barracks), of a celebratory high relief dedicated to the General, made and donated by the ceramic master Nicolò Giuliano.