Covid vaccine, Pfizer: “We also study single-dose”

Pfizer is also studying a single-dose vaccine against the coronavirus. This was explained by Valentina Marino, medical director of Pfizer Italia, guest on ‘Che giorno รจ’ on Rai Radio 1. “We are also studying a single-dose” anti-Covid “vaccine, which could be more manageable and therefore more easily administered” he said. Marine. As for the vaccine for adolescents, “on Friday we submitted to Ema”, the European Medicines Agency, “the results of the studies” for the anti-Covid vaccine in the 12-15 age group. “Yesterday the examination of all the data began. The timing that Ema has given us is about a month, but it could be shorter. In general, within 3-4 weeks we will also have the approval for this age group “said Pfizer Italia’s medical director. Pfizer / BioNTech’s anti-Covid vaccine for the 12-15 age group” is exactly the same as that administered in the higher age group, age 16 and up. The subjects enrolled in the phase 3 study “on the basis of which the request for approval was submitted for the extension of use to the regulatory bodies Fda and Ema” are aged 12 to 15 and the results are very, very promising. We had a 100% efficacy, with a very robust antibody response even higher than those in the age group between 16 and 25 years “. Pfizer will begin experimenting with the anti-Covid vaccine also for the under 12 age group. “A study will soon start for an age between 5 and 11 years, immediately after from 2 to 5 years and then” a study for children from “6 months to 2 years” announced Valentina Marino. “There is a whole development plan to reach up to 6 months of life,” he added. “For the smaller groups” the results of the trials “we will have them within the year”. Speaking about the variants, Marino explained that for the Pfizer / BioNTech anti-Covid vaccine “we certainly have 100% efficacy on the variant. English “of the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus, and” a very high efficacy almost 100% on the South African variant. On the Brazilian variant, however, excellent protection appears. On the Indian variant we still do not have the possibility to make certain statements because we are studying. It is still early “. On the duration of the immunity of the anti-Covid vaccine,” to date we have the data on 6 months “after the second dose,” which is the observation time of the vaccinated subjects in the study. about the next 6 months shortly “said the medical director of Pfizer Italy.” The scientific data we have are 6 months from when the vaccination with the second dose started in the trials – he clarified – So we wait to be able to give the data on following 6 months . In short we could say that immunity lasts a year, but now we cannot say it because we have reliable data on 6 months “, a period of time” in which it is shown that immunity is maintained even in a very high way and protects against ‘infection”.