Quarantine, curfew and vaccines on vacation: rules and assumptions for the summer

From tomorrow almost all of Italy will be in the yellow zone, with lighter rules and measures: only Valle d’Aosta will be in orange. The curfew and reopenings remain the center of attention: there is expectation for the control room scheduled for tomorrow. Meanwhile, tourism tries to restart. From today, stop the quarantine for travelers from EU countries, Great Britain and Israel. And, while the beaches reopened yesterday, the mayors of many tourist resorts open to the possibility of the second dose of the anti-Covid vaccine on vacation, in a different region from that of the first administration or even for those arriving in our country. YELLOW ZONE All of Italy in the yellow zone from May 17th with the exception of the Aosta Valley which remains orange. So new color map of the Regions from Monday. A new ordinance to contain the spread of the coronavirus, signed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, on the basis of the data and indications of the control room of May 14, 2021, brings the Regions of Sicily and Sardinia to the yellow zone.
Therefore, the breakdown of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces in the different areas based on the risk levels starting from tomorrow, May 17, sees the Valle d’Aosta in the orange zone and the rest of Italy in the yellow zone, no Region in the zone red or white. COPRIFUOCO AND REOPENINGS The curfew in Italy and the possible new reopenings will be decided tomorrow, when the control room between the majority forces will take place at Palazzo Chigi. The course remains in fact the one reaffirmed by Prime Minister Mario Draghi in Porto, on the sidelines of the European summit, or reopening in the name of “reasonableness and prudence”. TRAVEL AND QUARANTINE In force from today an ordinance signed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, which provides for “entry from the countries of the European Union and the Schengen area, as well as from Great Britain and Israel, with a negative buffer, without quarantine obligation “, announces the ministry. “Therefore, the obligation remains to show a molecular or antigenic swab with negative result upon arrival, carried out in the 48 hours preceding arrival in Italy. The same ordinance extended the restrictive measures against Brazil until July 30, 2021 “.
With another ordinance, the Minister of Health “extended the testing of Covid tested flights, already in operation at the airports of Rome and Milan, also to the airports of Venice and Naples. In Covid tested flights, passengers are subjected to a test molecular or antigenic before departure and on arrival at destination and, if the result is negative, they are authorized to enter and transit in the national territory without the need to comply with health surveillance and fiduciary isolation obligations. So far Covid flights tested only covered the trafficking between the United States and Italy but, in the new ordinance, Canada, Japan and the United Arab Emirates were also added as countries of origin “. The ordinances will be in force until July 30, 2021. SECOND DOSE ON HOLIDAY “In view of the summer, it will be important to allow Italians to receive the second dose in a Region other than the one in which the first was received, in order to facilitate the organization and booking of holidays “said the president of Federalberghi, Bernabò Bocca. “Now we are much calmer about the outcome of the vaccination plan. It is clear there will be some difficulties in carrying out vaccinations outside the region of residence – replied the Minister of Tourism Massimo Garavaglia – But we are confident that with General Figliuolo we will be able to finding the ways to solve this problem too, which is not easy but with constancy and organization we will be able to find the solution for this too “. “Politics is opening up a debate and reflection, but it is easy to understand that the hypothesis brings with it organizational difficulties – Undersecretary of Health Andrea Costa told Adnkronos Health – Everything must go through an agreement in the State-Regions Conference . It cannot be an initiative of the ministry. The concept is to help simplify and the recall to holiday resorts would be an opportunity for the citizen but everything must be organized with an agreement between Regions “. FACTORIES AND BEACHES Some regions have already started in recent weeks and since yesterday the plants in Ostia, Fiumicino, Gaeta and Fondi have restarted in Lazio, always in compliance with the anti Covid rules and measures. Ten square meters for each umbrella on the beach, one person in charge of the surveillance of free beaches. No to group sports on the beach, yes to beach tennis. These are some of the points set out in the guidelines.