Covid Lazio today, 613 infections and 3 deaths: 13 August bulletin

There are 613 new infections, including recoveries (+46), recorded in Lazio according to the data released by the bulletin today, 13 August. There are 3 deaths including recoveries (=) hospitalized are 466 (=), intensive care is 68 (+2). “The cases in Rome city are at an altitude of 276 ‘”, announces in a note the councilor for Health and Social and Health Integration of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato In the ASL Roma 1: 67 new cases in the last 24 hours and these are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There are 0 deaths. Asl Roma 2: 142 new cases in the last 24h and these are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There are 0 deaths. ASL Roma 3: 67 new cases in the last 24h and these are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There are 2 deaths. ASL Roma 4: 67 new cases in the last 24h and these are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There are 0 deaths. Asl Roma 5: 93 new cases in the last 24h and these are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There are 0 deaths. Asl Roma 6: 47 new cases in the last 24h and these are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There are 0 deaths. In the provinces there are 130 new cases: in the Asl of Frosinone there are 26 new cases and these are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There are 0 deaths. In the ASL of Latina there are 47 new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There is 1 death. In the ASL of Rieti there are 21 new cases and it is an isolated case at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are 0 deaths. In the ASL of Viterbo there are 36 new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with family link or contact of an already known case. There are 0 deaths.

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