Covid, Locatelli: “Vaccinating children? Unfounded fears, vaccination is safe”

“Vaccination is essential for their protection. I therefore address a heartfelt appeal to those who have not yet been vaccinated. Especially to the over 50 age group where there are over 4 million people who have not even received the first dose. The lethality rate increases. with increasing age. For example in the 60-69 range it is 2.8% and between 70-79 it rises to 8-9% “. This was stated in an interview with ‘La Stampa’ by the coordinator of the CTS, Franco Locatelli. As regards the experimentation on anti Covid vaccines for the under 12, Locatelli explains that “the experimentation is at a very advanced stage and the documentation will be examined by the regulatory agencies, Ema, European Medicines Agency, and Fda, Food and Drug Administration, from which the definitive authorization must arrive. The data are therefore being verified and, if the evaluation is positive, we could expect approval by November, even if it is a rough estimate. The experimentation is involving two Rna vaccines messenger, Pfizer and Moderna “. Regarding the concerns of many parents who fear side effects related to the administration of the vaccine, Locatelli points out that they are” unfounded fears. Vaccination in this age group with this type of vaccine is safe. The benefits they are greater than the risks that are almost non-existent.The consequences of the Sars-Cov-2 virus should not be forgotten even on the smallest ones. In Italy, since the beginning of the pandemic, 28 pediatric patients have died. And of these 13 were less than 10 years old. The vaccine does not cause significant side effects and protects not only from the risk of fatal complications, but also from the risk of developing a serious pathology such as systemic multi-inflammatory syndrome. Furthermore, by vaccinating children, outbreaks will also be avoided in elementary schools and therefore it will be possible to return to the classroom safely, avoiding distance learning “.

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