Gregoretti case, for the Gup “Salvini conduct not criminally relevant”

“It must be concluded that the conduct of the former minister Salvini should not be considered criminally relevant, having to say funditus that the elements proposed by the Court for ministerial crimes of Catania, as legitimizing the indictment, have proved unfounded and in any case balanced by other clear and convincing evidence in favor of the investigated, which cancel them or, in any case, make them contradictory, and above all unsuitable to support the accusation in a trial judgment “. This is why the gup of Catania, Nunzio Sarpietro, has decided not to proceed for the leader of the league Matteo Salvini, accused of kidnapping for the Gregoretti ship. According to the prosecution, he delayed the docking of the ship with 131 migrants on board, but the reasons stated that “the elements acquired are posed in terms of absolute clarity and completeness regarding the non-existence of the alleged crime against the accused, and the sources of evidence do not lend themselves to alternative solutions, as they do not appear to be interpreted in a different way “. Matteo Salvini has not been indicted for the Gregoretti case because “the trial judgment” would be “completely superfluous”. And again: “The particular laboriousness of the judgment concerns, above all, the need to reconstruct a clear overall picture concerning the phenomenon of illegal immigration that has consistently affected our country, as well as the states of Greece, Malta and Spain, with the aim of evaluating the behavior of the accused not from a completely isolated profile, but within a broader perimeter of factual, legal and political reference, in which his intervention was inserted, thus appearing indispensable delve into the area of ​​the real reasons that led the accused to act within the terms indicated in the charge, as set out by the Court for Ministers of Catania “. SALVINI “The formula ‘the fact does not exist’ was adopted because the accused did not act ‘contra ius’ but in compliance with the primary and secondary regulatory provisions dictated in the case in question. The same cannot be charged with any conduct aimed at seizing migrants for a legally appreciable period of time “. “The Gup of Catania writes it in the reasons for the decision not to proceed against me. After so many insults, inventions, interceptions ‘alla Palamara’ and political attacks of all kinds, to see the correctness of my work recognized, black and white at the helm of the Interior Ministry is a source of great satisfaction. ” Lega leader Matteo Salvini writes it on Facebook. “Unfortunately in September, for a similar case (concerning the Spanish NGO” Open Arms “), – Salvini continues – I will be on trial in Palermo accused of ‘kidnapping’, until 15 years in prison the foreseen penalty: I hope you will be by my side, I believe I have concretely demonstrated as Minister of the Interior what can be achieved in the management of illegal immigration, in defense of ITALY “” I did it by realizing this that the Italians had asked me with their vote and I will do it again: WANTING IS POWER. Thanks Friends for all the support you have given me and for what you will give me, for me it is fundamental “, concludes the Northern League leader.