Case Grillo, prosecuted investigation: the alarm of the Prosecutor

The investigation into Ciro Grillo and his three friends, accused of gang rape against two girls, loses pieces. A few days ago, as Adnkronos learns, Laura Bassani, the prosecutor who coordinated, with the prosecutor Gregorio Capasso, the investigation into alleged sexual violence in Costa Smeralda was transferred from the Tempio Pausania Prosecutor’s Office to the Prosecutor’s Office of Sassari. The investigation has ended and now the file is before the judge for the preliminary hearings, who within the year will have to decide whether to indict Ciro Grillo, Vittorio Lauria, Francesco Corsiglia and Edoardo Capitta, as requested by the prosecutor. An investigation that ended up in the spotlight especially for the name of one of the protagonists, Ciro Grillo, son of the founder of the M5S. The facts date back to two years ago, in Costa Smeralda when, according to the story of one of the two girls, after an evening in a club in Porto Cervo, at the home of Beppe Grillo’s son, where she was invited, she was raped. The rape would have concerned only her, while the friend, as emerged from some photographs and a video, the four would have placed the genitals on her face, while the girl was sleeping. The prosecutors, after having closed the investigation for the first time, in November 2020, a year and a half after the complaint, then reopened the investigation and closed after a few weeks with the request for indictment for group sexual violence. Accusations always rejected by the defendants who speak of “consenting sex”. Now, in the preliminary hearing, the prosecutor himself will be forced to appear alone in the courtroom, before the gup Caterina Interlandi. Tempio Pausania on 3 August. The magistrate, the next day, on August 4, has already taken possession of her new office in Sassari. “For us it is an important loss from a human and professional point of view, even if I wish the colleague all the best possible”, Gregorio Capasso, the chief prosecutor of Tempio, told Adnkronos, who signed the request for indictment of the four young people with the prosecutor. . Laura Bassani also joined Capasso in another important investigation, that of the 2020 nightlife in Costa Smeralda and Covid infections. How will it be replaced in these two proceedings? “This is not the point – says Capasso – the Temple Prosecutor’s Office has an enormous workload and many demanding processes. The real problem is that the entire” role “, as well as the on-call shifts and the hearings of my colleague Bassani, they will now be redistributed among the few remaining magistrates. I do not like to look back and recall events that have put a strain on our office and which are known to all “. There are over a thousand files left open. And Capasso adds: “Immediately after my inauguration, about three years ago, I immediately sent to the competent organs of the Ministry, the CSM and the Attorney General of reference an endless series of reports concerning the situation, to say the least precarious, of my office. judicial with specific reference to the magistrates in service, to the administrative staff – currently 13 units in service compared to the 21 provided for by the already very modest staffing – and to the office building. in service, as well as for the administrative staff, the situation has not changed in any way. Indeed “. But on how many magistrates in service can the Tempio Pausania Public Prosecutor count today? “In addition to the undersigned who, however, beyond the organization of the office and the judicial activity in the strict sense, is also forced to deal personally with the management of all criminal and administrative services due to the serious shortcomings highlighted above and above all due to the total absence of managerial administrative figures, such as the manager, the administrative director and judicial officers, out of the six substitutes foreseen in the organic plan, only two young colleagues of first appointment, of which one has taken possession of the office just over 9 months ago, last November … While a third magistrate, coming from the Verona Public Prosecutor’s Office and applied by the CSM to our office, will finish his experience in Tempio next November “.” Currently, therefore, there are three magistrates on duty with an uncovering equal to 50% even if in fact there are only two magistrates in effective staff – says Capasso – a third is on maternity leave d to last February. In this unsustainable situation from next September it will be difficult even to guarantee the participation of the prosecutor in the hearings, considering that even the honorary magistrates who participate in the hearings are only three, out of the seven provided for in the ministerial proposal for the redetermination of the staff of the honorary judiciary “. In light of “these emergencies”, the Attorney Capassi had formally requested the “postponed possession” of his colleague Bassani at his new office in Sassari “in order to allow the colleague to define at least part of the burden of proceedings assigned to her and to prove to close the most important processes she dealt with “. But the CSM did not grant the postponed possession. And on July 31 the measure arrived. As regards the actual burden of the Tempio Pausania Public Prosecutor’s Office,” despite the Covid emergency situation, the our office, in the course of the last judicial year has confiscated the beauty of 4,133 criminal proceedings ico di noto “, says Capasso. “The figure is substantially in line with the assessments expressed by the Ministry of Justice which, in the proposal for the redetermination of the staff of magistrates, had highlighted that in the Cagliari District there is a decrease in enrollments everywhere, except for the Temple Prosecutor’s Office which recorded an increase of 16%; in this office the per capita enrollments amount to about 922 and are therefore higher (even) than the national average (equal to 623) ‘. But it is necessary to “enter” the statistical data to understand the real and effective impact … “. And he explains: “Regardless of the quality of the investigations and the incidence of some criminal phenomenologies of great impact, such as the sale of drugs which, as you know, especially in the summer, led to the seizures of large quantities last year, in particular of cocaine, at the two ports of Olbia and Golfo Aranci, and the crimes of the so-called “Economy” group (bankruptcy, financial, money laundering, etc.), obviously connected to the appalling economic interests of the area of ​​competence, it is sufficient to analyze the data of the two sectors statistically more significant, namely those referring to the so-called Red Code and to the “Urban Planning and Environment” sector. As for the Red Code, during the year 2020, only 208 cases were registered against well-known crimes relating to gender violence and in damage to minors (abuse in the family, sexual violence, stalking, aggravated injuries …); in particular, for the “Red Code”, the u fficio was directly and heavily involved, given the technical specificity of the relevant cases and the urgency required which, as is well known, requires, in some cases, close investigations and urgent measures. As for the Urban-Environment sector, a capillary monitoring of the territory was carried out by me personally, with particular reference to the coastal strip of competence (from Porto Taverna Sud and up to Badesi) in order to identify the most critical situations, activities which then involved the adoption of some significant and complex real precautionary measures (in 55 different proceedings in 2020 alone and in 95 different proceedings in the last two years) “. But for the Prosecutor” what I want to emphasize most is that the overall “load” of the proceedings, to which the hearings and on-call shifts, even at night, must be added, is burdened almost exclusively on very young female colleagues, some of whom are mothers of children under the age of three “.” In this sense I like to recall the assessments expressed last year by the Attorney General at the inauguration of the judicial year, which, moreover, exactly coincide with those of the year previous, where he noted that ‘in Tempio Pausania there is a strong work pressure on the individual, pressure that in some cases is irreconcilable with a healthy and correct management of roles’ “. The Gallura area has been and is at the center of delicate and important investigations , also at a national level, starting from the investigation for group rape on Ciro Grillo to the story of luxury yachts to that on the well-known Geovillage complex, from the one on the kennel in Olbia to that on dead horses after being transported on a ferry with Civitavecchia-Olbia section. And, again, from the story of the child mistreated and segregated at home, to the trial which ended in May 2020 in the Court of Assizes for the femicide of Arzachena, not to mention the seizures of large quantities of drugs, in particular cocaine at ports and airports. of Olbia. And of the investigations mentioned above and of national importance such as the Covid investigation into the summer nightlife in Costa Smeralda and the “Grillo” affair… “And I would add the hearings and 24h availability shifts …”, says Capasso. That this year will not go on vacation. Today he is in the office, as he was every day in August, and he will be until the end of the month. “You know that it is not possible to go into the details of ongoing investigations. And for the trials the sentences speak – says the Attorney – In reality , from my point of view, the examples you cited do nothing but confirm that our “young” office is subjected to very high pressures which, evidently, cannot be “read” only through the analysis of statistical data “.” In any case, the only possible solution, at present, is represented by district and extra-district applications “, says Capasso. “In this sense, I will immediately request district and extra district applications that are functional at least to guarantee” a healthy and correct management of roles “, in addition to on-call shifts and hearings – he says – and I am convinced that both the Attorney General and above all the Superior Council of the Judiciary, who have always shown attention to the situation of the Temple Prosecutor’s Office, will act on our requests “. (by Elvira Terranova)