Covid vaccine, Toti: “It is mandatory for over 50s”

Compulsory anti-covid vaccine for over-50s. To propose the president of Liguria Giovanni Toti. “Vaccination must be mandatory above the age of 50. Because you cannot put an additional weight of this pandemic on the shoulders of children: with their sacrifices, from distance learning to evenings at home during the lockdown, they have already guaranteed the health of grandparents and parents. That’s enough “, the leader of the center-right group Coraggio Italia said in an interview with Corriere della Sera. Do you disagree with the emergency commissioner Figliuolo who yesterday urged the Regions to vaccinate the children themselves? “No disagreement. The extraordinary effort that General Figliuolo is asking for aims to ensure a safe return to school. It goes in the same direction as the mid-August open days and campers for vaccination in holiday resorts and evening meeting places, which I also promoted in Liguria. It’s okay to urge young people but we must oblige those adults and those elderly who resist appeals to get vaccinated “. Is the mandatory green pass just introduced a good compromise? “The mandatory green pass to go to the restaurant or the stadium is a measure that I absolutely agree with, but it may not be enough – Toti continues – I would extend it, at the resumption in September, to other activities: to enter shopping centers, shops, supermarkets, to get on the bus. You should be able to access without vaccination certification only in grocery stores and pharmacies. Free not to get vaccinated? Okay, but you stay indoors “.