Green Pass, Bassetti: “Italians get vaccinated to eat pizza …”

“Some Italians get vaccinated to eat pizza, I’m sorry as a doctor. But let’s take note, the green pass in Italy pushes people to get vaccinated”. Professor Matteo Bassetti, head of infectious diseases at the San Martino hospital in Genoa, expresses himself in the White Zone on the green pass. “It is not a perfect tool, but it greatly lowers the risk. It does not eliminate it, we know. On the one hand, it has led to more vaccines and I am a Machiavellian as a doctor: the end justifies the means. Politics must be right about it. , we must try to vaccinate as many people as possible: the green pass in this sense is an excellent tool “, he adds. “I am sorry that a country like Italy, which has taken a huge toll in terms of deaths from covid, has to go and get vaccinated to eat pizza. I was hoping that Italians would get vaccinated to avoid getting pneumonia and go to resuscitation. Some Italians get vaccinated to eat pizza, I’m sorry as a doctor. But let’s take note, the green pass pushes people to get vaccinated, “he says. Bassetti has been under threat for months. “Who today is against vaccines and against the state, is against doctors and against science. I expect all political forces to condemn the threats against my speeches. If they do not condemn them, it means that I agree “.