Eitan Biran, the only five-year-old child who survived the tragedy of the Mottarone cable car in which his parents, grandparents and brother died, is now at the center of a legal battle between his uncles for his custody, with his mother’s sister who accuses the sister of the child’s father of “holding him hostage in Italy”. “KEPT IN HOSTAGE IN ITALY” “Three months ago, the Peleg family experienced a horrible tragedy – said in a press conference in Israel the lawyer of Gali, sister of Eitan’s mother, who would like to adopt the child – Eitan was entrusted to the care of his aunt Aya (father’s sister, ed). Since then, he has been prevented from having a stable relationship (with us, ed), he is held hostage, they have taken control of his body, his mind and of his soul, just like that, to keep him in Italy “.” Things have been done that shouldn’t have been done – continued the lawyer Ronen Dlayahu – Gali and her husband Ron ask to give Eitan a stable and welcoming home .. Eitan’s right is to have a home in which his parents would have liked him to grow up, as a Jew in a Jewish school, and not in a Catholic school in Italy. He has the right to have his privacy and that his money be guarded Eitan’s natural place is in Israel, all the time i n who is not here is lost time “. During the press conference, Gali, sister of the mother of the child who survived the accident at the cable car on 9 May last, also spoke:” Eitan was kidnapped by a family who is not close to him in any way. We have no intention of disappearing. We cannot hide, we will be here forever. In a few years, he will ask who his parents were and it is important to me that he sees that we are there. He has lost a family, he doesn’t need to lose another “.
“He is held hostage, prisoner – Gali’s husband Ron Perry accused again – He is not well, we want to continue the path of parents, we have love, we do not need money. It is unthinkable that a child is left with a mother. he didn’t even know. He didn’t even have a single picture with the baby before the disaster… That’s a family that’s completely alienating the baby. ” “Aya is making false statements – concluded the lawyer – We have started the procedure for adoption”. “SURREAL PHRASES” For their part, the lawyers of the guardian Aya Biran Nirko, the child’s paternal aunt, “say they are amazed by these surreal statements, definitely unexpected and out of context”. “The appointment of Dr. Biran Nirko as guardian of Eitan was ordered and confirmed by the competent tutelary judges. The guardian confronts, as necessary and necessary, with the tutelary judge for the sole good of Eitan. because of so much acrimony and falsity “, write in a note Cristina Pagni, Massimo Sana and Armando Simbari.
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