Covid Emilia Romagna, today 530 infections and 14 deaths: May 15 bulletin

There are 530 new Coronavirus infections in Emilia Romagna according to today’s bulletin, May 15. The table refers to another 14 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 26,013 swabs were made. The percentage of new positives on the number of swabs made since yesterday is 2%. In the meantime, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues, which in this phase concerns the health care staff and the Cra, including inpatients of residences for the elderly, most of them already immunized, those over 80 in home care and their spouses, if they are 80 or more years old. . From Monday 17 May, in Emilia-Romagna 40-49 year olds, i.e. those born between 1972 and 1981 inclusive, will be able to register online for the administration of the anti Covid vaccine by connecting to the website of the Region http: //salute.regione.emilia- The same is available for the 50-54 age group (those born from 1967 to 1971 inclusive), for which naturally applications remain open. The control and prevention activity continues: of the newly infected, 235 are asymptomatic identified as part of the regional contact tracing and screening activities. Overall, of the new positives 210 were already in isolation at the time of swab execution, 326 were identified within already known foci. The average age of the new positives today is 37.5 years. Of the 295 asymptomatic, 173 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 35 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 4 with serological screening, 4 through pre-admission tests. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 19 cases. The contagion situation in the provinces sees Bologna with 117 new cases, followed by Parma (100), Modena (85) and Reggio Emilia (81). Then Rimini (35), Ravenna (31), Cesena (23), Forlì (22), Piacenza (16), Ferrara (14) and the Imola district (6). In the last 24 hours, 12,485 molecular swabs were carried out, for a total of 4,610,023. In addition, there are also 13,528 quick swabs. As for the total number of people healed, they are 2,684 more than yesterday and reach 341,330. The active cases, that is the actual patients, to date are 24,719 (-2,168 compared to yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home, i.e. those with mild symptoms who do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free, total 23,502 (-2,089), over 95% of the total number of active cases. in intensive care are distributed as follows: 7 in Piacenza (-2 compared to yesterday), 16 in Parma (+3), 21 in Reggio Emilia (unchanged), 23 in Modena (unchanged), 47 in Bologna (+2), 6 in Imola (unchanged), 13 in Ferrara (-1), 8 in Ravenna (-1), 5 in Forlì (-1), 4 in Cesena (unchanged) and 10 in Rimini (unchanged).