Del Debbio: “Cotto di Amatrice for home in Lucca”. Protest earthquake victims

“The terracotta of Amatrice for the external floor. I chose it and left it as it was in the ceilings of the houses destroyed in 2016 by that terrible earthquake. For me they are a monument in the literal sense of the term, a memory, a tribute to the victims and their families, and a warning for the future not to deal with these problems when they occur, but first, with prevention that in Italy is still too far behind “. Paolo Del Debbio writes it on Instagram, posting a video with the images of the floor in question. The video provoked the protest of the ‘Illica vive’ Committee which expresses “deep pain and bewilderment for the video of the journalist Paolo Del Debbio during which the conductor showed the tiles with which he paved the garden of the house in the countryside, in Lucca, coming from the attic of a house in Amatrice. Thinking of commemorating the victims of the earthquake and relaunching the economy, he explained that he had gladly accepted the proposal of his supplier “that” we do not know how he managed to recover that material whose recovery the owners of the first and second homes were denied “. The commissioner structure headed by Giovanni Legnini, in the meantime, consulted by Adnkronos, does not comment on the specific story, which has also been made aware of, but recalls that the demolition and disposal phases of the rubble are the responsibility of the regions, each of the which follows their own procedures. “As the Illica Vive committee – wrote the founder of the committee and the animator of the Fb page on the crater of Accumoli and Amatrice, Sabrina Fantauzzi and Trijji Pan – we have denounced since September 2016, and the last time just three months ago with complaints published in the newspapers, the need to recover stones, ashlars, portals, tiles. We had asked the authorities for checks to avoid looting and theft of building materials precisely to prevent this kind of ‘market’ from developing “. “We were overwhelmed by pain and anger to see Paolo Del Debbio show the beauty of those tiles regardless of the legitimacy of their origin. We feel cheated by everyone. We are not second-class citizens, but not even second-class citizens. For the State we do not exist at all except to remember us on August 24 of each year. We ask Commissioner Legnini certain answers, the judiciary to open an investigation on the flourishing traffic of building material coming from the crater. We ask for information and transparency on the storage of the material. – that anyone who is solicited to buy this material refuses it as it is part of unavailable assets because they belong to the community tormented by the earthquake “. So far, in the complex of post-earthquake interventions, according to what Adnkronos has been able to find from sources of the commissioner structure, which has only ‘cash’ and non-operational functions, there are 2 and a half million tons of rubble disposed of (of which 1 , 5 in Lazio), operations for which 83 million euros have been spent so far, 66 of which in the last six months, since the financial management was ‘inherited’ by the Civil Protection. Del Debbio: “I have a regular invoice , ready to return “” I purchased the Amatrice material with regular workmanship, in total good faith, convinced of the legitimate origin of the bricks, and with a desire for closeness towards those who were victims of the earthquake. Of course, if, instead, there is something to give back, I’m very ready to do it “. The journalist and TV presenter Paolo Del Debbio tells Adnkronos. “I also thought – he continues – that it was a good thing that these bricks could be reused instead of being lost or destroyed. In particular, I used them for a small part of the garden, about 90 square meters, for an expense, I repeat, regularly billed. , of a few thousand euros. On the other hand, excuse me: it is true that we journalists do not necessarily have an above average intelligence, but if I had had any doubts about the legitimacy of the purchase and use, I would have even posted on Instagram? I don’t think I’m so dumb … “, he concludes