Covid today Italy, 6,968 infections and 31 deaths: 11 August bulletin

There are 6,968 new coronavirus infections in Italy today, Wednesday 11 August 2021, according to data – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin. Since yesterday, another 31 deaths have been recorded, bringing the total deaths from the beginning of the emergency linked to covid-19 to 128,304. In the last 24 hours, 230,039 swabs were processed, the positivity rate is 3.02%. 2,948 people hospitalized with symptoms (+68 since yesterday), 337 in intensive care (+15 since yesterday) with 40 admissions of the day. 4,450 have recovered since yesterday, 4,166,095 since the beginning of the pandemic. Data from the regions: LAZIO – There are 645 new coronavirus infections in Lazio according to data from today’s bulletin, 11 August 2021. There are another 3 deaths. “Today there are 645 new positive cases, including recoveries (-58), 3 deaths, including recoveries (+2), hospitalized are 463 (+22), intensive care is 65 (+2). Rome city are at 255 “, is the summary of the councilor for health, Alessio D’Amato. In the region there are 16,312 cases currently positive, 463 patients admitted to non-critical areas and 65 those in intensive care. There are 15,784 people in home isolation. The total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic rises to 8,429, while the total recovered is 340,049 LOMBARDY – There are 768 new cases of Covid-19 in Lombardy, compared to 36,816 swabs carried out, of which 2% were positive. The number of intensive care patients remained stable at 35. On the other hand, the number of people hospitalized in ordinary Covid wards has increased by 11, today 294. In the last 24 hours, 2 people have died, for a total of 33,845 deaths in Lombardy since the beginning of the pandemic EMILIA ROMAGNA – 454 new infections from Covid-19 have been registered today, 11 August, in Emilia-Romagna on a total of 24,700 swabs performed in the last 24 hours (1.8%). This was reported by the regional bulletin. Two new deaths were recorded: it is an 85-year-old woman from the province of Piacenza and a 99-year-old man from Forlì. In total, there have been 13,291 deaths in the region since the beginning of the epidemic. There are 31 patients hospitalized in intensive care (number unchanged compared to yesterday), 323 those in the other Covid departments (+10) .TUSCANY – There are 774 new coronavirus infections in Tuscany according to data from today’s bulletin, 11 August 2021, anticipated on social networks by the president of the region Eugenio Giani. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 774 out of 15,718 tests, of which 10,178 molecular swabs and 5,540 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 4.92% (11.4% on the first diagnoses)”, Giani says. The Tuscan governor also makes the usual point on vaccines, explaining that currently 4,408,709 have been administered. PUGLIA – There are 306 new coronavirus infections in Puglia according to data from today’s bulletin, 11 August 2021. Two other deaths are recorded in the past 24 hours, a total of 6,677 deaths in the region since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. 13,585 swabs have been carried out since yesterday. In the region there are 22 patients admitted to intensive care units, those in non-critical areas are 123. These are the new cases by province: Bari 78, Lecce 71, Bat 65, Brindisi 40, Foggia 28, Taranto 14. Five cases refer to residents outside the region and for another 5 the province is being defined. ABRUZZO – There are 141 new coronavirus infections in Abruzzo according to data from today’s bulletin, 11 August 2021. There has been one death in the last 24 hours, for a total of 2,516 deaths since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The currently positive in Abruzzo are 1882 (+78 compared to yesterday), 48 patients (-5) are hospitalized in the medical area and one (unchanged) in intensive care, while the other 1,833 (+83) are in home isolation with active surveillance by local health authorities In the last 24 hours, 2,793 molecular swabs (1,284,423 in total since the beginning of the emergency) and 3,400 antigen tests (617,176) were performed. The positivity rate, calculated on the sum of molecular swabs and antigen tests of the day, is equal to 2.27%. Of the total positive cases, 19,500 are resident or domiciled in the province of L’Aquila (+25), 19,882 in the province of Chieti (+21), 18,863 in the province of Pescara (+56), 18,140 in the province of Teramo (+35), 619 outside the region (+3) and 119 (-1) for which provenance checks are underway. – There are 380 new coronavirus infections in Sardinia according to data from today’s bulletin, August 11, 2021. There are two more deaths in the last 24 hours. 3,510 people have been tested since yesterday. A total of 7,837 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic. In the region, among those at risk of the yellow zone according to the new parameters, there are 22 patients admitted to intensive care units (the same number as yesterday). There are 119 patients admitted to the medical area (the same number as yesterday). 6,651 people are in home isolation (136 more than yesterday) FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 155 new coronavirus infections in Friuli Venezia Giulia according to data from today’s bulletin, 11 August. There have been no deaths in the past 24 hours. Out of 5,337 molecular swabs, 143 new infections were detected with a positive percentage of 2.68%, including 5 migrants identified in Trieste. There are also 1,043 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which 12 cases (1.15%) were detected. Four people are hospitalized in intensive care, while those under treatment in other departments are 27. The total deaths amount to 3,791, with the following territorial subdivision: 813 in Trieste, 2.013 in Udine, 672 in Pordenone and 293 in Gorizia. The totally healed are 104,149, the clinically recovered 123, while those in isolation are 850. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 108,944 people have been positive with the following territorial division: 21,560 in Trieste, 50,969 in Udine (the total was reduced by one following a case of false positive), 21,746 in Pordenone, 13,219 in Gorizia and 1,450 from outside the region.