Covid Fvg today, 155 infections: 11 August bulletin data

There are 155 new coronavirus infections in Friuli Venezia Giulia according to data from today’s bulletin, 11 August. There have been no deaths in the past 24 hours. Out of 5,337 molecular swabs, 143 new infections were detected with a positive percentage of 2.68%, including 5 migrants identified in Trieste. There are also 1,043 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which 12 cases (1.15%) were detected. Four people are hospitalized in intensive care, while those under treatment in other departments are 27. The total deaths amount to 3,791, with the following territorial subdivision: 813 in Trieste, 2.013 in Udine, 672 in Pordenone and 293 in Gorizia. The totally healed are 104,149, the clinically recovered 123, while those in isolation are 850. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 108,944 people have been positive with the following territorial division: 21,560 in Trieste, 50,969 in Udine (the total was reduced by one following a case of false positive), 21,746 in Pordenone, 13,219 in Gorizia and 1,450 from outside the region.