Covid Italia, Galli: “In the autumn more infections than you think”

“In the fall I don’t think we will have the pressure of last year, because the people most at risk of getting a bad disease are vaccinated. But we will still have many more infections than we think because many people are becoming asymptomatically infected like young people. The virus is circulating a lot, too much. Even if the worst has passed for a country like this “. Massimo Galli, director of the Infectious Diseases clinic of the Sacco hospital in Milan, guest of ‘Buongiorno’, tells Sky TG24.” To date we can say that it is the pandemic of not vaccinated, given that 90% of those hospitalized in intensive care are not vaccinated and that the remaining 10% do not respond to the vaccine for various reasons, from pre-existing serious illnesses to some very rare cases of individual predisposition not to respond “, remarks Galli , according to which “even those who have not responded to the first two doses may not necessarily respond to the third. On this it will be necessary to decide on strategies and document the possible response to the third dose “.” The 50-year-olds who have not yet been vaccinated must be convinced by telling them that if they expect to escape thanks to the vaccine of others, with the Delta variant in circulation they can leave lose this hope. In fact, it is so widespread that it can also reach people who have many vaccinated around them “, warns the infectious disease specialist.” The vaccine for the under 12 is essential because, with the reopening of schools, the spread among children acts as an element of incoercible diffusion -observe the expert-. In other words, without having vaccinated the entire population, including children, the possibility of containing the phenomenon becomes complicated. Then, it will be necessary to see if the future holds, as it probably is, the need for a vaccine updated to the variants currently circulating in order to truly fight the disease “.