“The decision to adopt the green pass for school staff, with related sanctions in case of non-compliance, was taken unilaterally by the Government, despite the fact that the School Administration and Trade Unions have long been committed to finding useful solutions to restart the school In presence. Also for this reason, in a category already vaccinated at 90%, the measure taken is fueling strong tensions, as often happens when hasty and radical decisions are taken, inadequate to grasp the complexity of situations “. The unions of the school Flc Cgil, Cisl Scuola, Uil Scuola rua, Snals Confsal, Gilda Unams, Anief declare this in a unitary note. “If certainly any intervention by the Administration on the employment relationship of its employees must find a preliminary confrontation with the social partners, beyond a judgment on the usefulness and legitimacy of the introduced rule – continue the trade unions – one wonders, for example, how this obligation can be extended to precarious personnel, whose services are requested within a few hours and more generally how the investigations and sanctioning procedures introduced by the Government are intended to be conducted “. According to the trade unions, “other aspects remain unresolved in the meantime that strongly affect the determination of the necessary security conditions. Overcrowded classes are not decongested by adopting structural measures, it is preferred to resort to fragile one-off measures for recovery (however, only until the end of the calendar year ), school staff are not protected by offloading all kinds of tasks (from access control to sanitation of the environments) without introducing any health facilities to coordinate interventions and initiatives. With a provision substantially ineffective compared to the presence at school of 8 million students , all the consequences of choices not made are passed on to workers “. The unions recall that they “invoked a clear provision, which identified precise obligations, but also direct responsibilities on the part of the State and entrusted the aspects concerning the management of the employment relationship to the negotiation between the parties. The incursion of the Government complicates the path towards possible shared solutions. The union has made its own the objective and the connected commitments for a return to school in the presence, considering for this purpose fundamental the success of the vaccination campaign, for which it was the first to claim a priority of attention to school staff “. “For this reason – they add – we did not agree with the interruption, by the Government, of the vaccination priority in the spring for school staff, precisely because we saw a slowdown in the path to reach the return in presence. Precisely the very high percentage of those who responsibly underwent the vaccination, giving proof of civic sense, today lays the foundations for managing, without unacceptable straining and tension, a situation already faced when the vaccine was not available “. The trade unions “confirm as of now their willingness to continue discussions with the Administration to identify solutions that protect the health of all workers, starting with the” fragile “ones for which any risk of marginalization and exclusion from the world must be eliminated of work, creating a didactic-organizational system that respects the rules on distancing, providing for the decongestion of overcrowded classrooms by splitting them in a structural way “. Flc Cgil, Cisl Scuola, Uil Scuola rua, Snals Confsal, Gilda Unams and Anief ask “in the meantime, that we clarify the indications for distancing in the classroom; that no retreat is achieved, with the cut of the additional Covid staff, on security measures for economic reasons and that any reticence on the part of the Administration in providing both the data relating to the outcomes of the infection in the school environment and the exact status of the vaccination campaign is immediately removed. The availability of reliable, complete and punctuality represents an essential condition for the development, starting from the updating of the safety protocol, of a truly effective intervention strategy and not only of image, but also to enhance a climate of confrontation, which interventions so questionable in the method and in the merit, on the other hand, risk irreparably compromising “.” Security by decree is in clear antithesis with the effective policy of confrontation and of the necessary sharing in times of pandemics. On the eve of important events for the country, it is necessary to seek solutions to problems through dialogue and discussion, actions that the union has never shirked. The diktats fuel tensions and hostility even in contexts in which, as in the school, very high responsibility and civic sense has already been shown “.
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