The no of the Cga Sicilia in Montecarlo: “You can’t touch the sand”

The sand of the Gulf of Termini Imerese, in the Palermo area, will remain in place and will no longer be brought to the Principality of Monaco to build a new residential district. This was decided by the Administrative Justice Council which rejected the extraordinary appeal to the President of the Sicilian Region proposed by the company Arenaria srl ​​based in Bologna against the Regional Councilorship for the territory and environment. To build the new VIP district, Montecarlo would need between 600,000 and 700,000 cubic meters of sand. Which it hasn’t. Hence the idea of ​​drawing on the Gulf of Termini Imerese. A battle that lasted years and which now, as Adnkronos learns, finds an end with the opinion of the President Gabriele Carlotti, extensor judge Giovanni Ardizzone. For years the Principality of Monaco has run out of building space within its territory, which is why it has decided to start construction of this new district, subtracting territory from the sea. An area which will be called Portier Cove and which will be used for residential purposes. Also planned is the construction of a one-hectare park, car parks and a tourist promenade. The work in progress involves the laying in water of 18 trapezoidal prefabricated reinforced concrete caissons, 26 meters high and weighing 10,000 tons each. For Montecarlo it is an eco-sustainable project. But all this was not enough to transfer tons of Sicilian sand to the Monegasques. The Arenaria company, of the Seci Real Estate company, of the Maccaferri industrial group had to take care of the removal of the material from the Sicilian coasts. The Arenaria has for some time been under concession two stretches of sea off the Italian coast, in addition to that of Termini Imerese it has another along the Marche coasts in the Adriatic, from which, as stated on the site, they obtain sand suitable for coastal renovations. . But the no of the Sicilian Region was clear from the beginning. President Musumeci opposed the removal of material from the Sicilian coast. The authorizations had been granted by the previous government. The environmental impact assessment of the dredging operations on the marine ecosystem and the economy of Northern Sicily was also negative. “The concession provides that the concessionaire company must submit declarations of the use of the sand withdrawn, for the purposes of determining the relative measures of the fee, but does not envisage destination restrictions for its use – reads the opinion of the Sicily Cga – Specifies that said concession does not foresee that the use must be aimed primarily at the nourishment of the regional coasts “. “The College notes that the final Services Conference of 13 August 2019 was determined negatively also in the light of the unfavorable opinions, expressed pursuant to art. 109 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006, by the Port Authority of Palermo, by the Termini Imerese Maritime District Office and the Porticello Maritime District Office regarding the assessment of the risk due to the presence of unexploded ordnance found in the area subject to excavation, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. navigation safety purposes – the provision still reads – On the basis of the superior references, the Board observes that the choice made by the aforementioned Conference of Services was the result of a highly discretionary assessment, carried out, according to reasonableness and in compliance also with the principle of precaution, in full compliance with current legislation and on the basis of accurate technical considerations, absolutely correct yes a from the methodological and factual point of view “. And he concludes: “The Administrative Council of Justice for the Sicilian Region, having arranged the meeting of the two proceedings, expresses the opinion that the appeal, partly inadmissible, must be rejected”. (by Elvira Terranova)