Green pass Italy, Galli: “Obligation also for local public transport”

“They are obligatory for the green pass also for local public transport”. Massimo Galli, director of the Infectious Diseases clinic of the Sacco hospital in Milan, guest of ‘Buongiorno’ on Sky TG24, says this. “The obligation should also be extended to local public transport. As always, the problem is linked to controls. We should have more in-depth information than the exceptions, otherwise people who for any reason cannot get the vaccine are prevented from accessing public transport. . But the coherence and the risk represented by public transport also say that on public transport one should have a guaranteed situation to prevent the infection from spreading further “, remarks the infectious disease specialist, who also focuses on the first difficulties in checks related to introduction of the green certificate. “It was expected and obvious that the issue of checks related to the Green Pass would become something difficult and complicated. I frankly think that it is a bit like speed limits, we know that they can be detected and that we can be fined – he observes -. More or not for the Green Pass it is the same thing, we know that the control can take place if not by sampling but in any case it is very important to have it because to have it you must have done some useful, necessary, indispensable things to try to contain this epidemic “. “I realize – he adds – that we do it with imperfect tools, both on the side of the application of the control and unfortunately on the side of the vaccine itself, which is very important to do, but which does not cover 100% of the possibility of infection”.