Vaccines Italy, infections and deaths collapse: ISS data

In vaccinated people the risk of coronavirus infection, hospitalization and death from covid falls. After 35 days from the start of the vaccination cycle, there is an 80% reduction in infections, 90% of hospitalizations and 95% of deaths. These effects are similar in both men and women and in people of different age groups. The data emerge from the joint analysis of the national vaccine registry and integrated Covid-19 surveillance and are contained in a report, by the Iss Working Group and the Ministry of Health ‘Covid-19 vaccine surveillance’, in collaboration with the representatives of the integrated Covid-19 surveillance and of the national vaccine registry. Read also The report presents the data from 27 December 2020 (starting day of the vaccination campaign in Italy) to 3 May 2021, relating to 13.7 million immunized people. The data shows that 95% of people vaccinated with Comirnaty (Pfizer-BionTech) or Moderna completed the vaccination course, receiving two doses within the times indicated by the vaccination schedule, while for the AstraZeneca vaccine none of the people included in the study had received the cycle. business suit. “These data – comments the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro – confirm the effectiveness of vaccinations and the vaccination campaign, and the need to quickly reach high coverage in the entire population to get out of the emergency thanks to this fundamental tool “.