Mandatory green pass and documents: sanctions and rules on controls

New clarifications on the mandatory Green pass: rules, controls, penalties. With a circular, the Interior Ministry clarified some aspects on the use of green certification in places where it is mandatory to have it. The control of the Green pass is mandatory by the managers of activities such as restaurants and bars, while the verification of the identity document is necessary if there is inconsistency with the certification data, it is explained. Read also The circular of the Interior Ministry The verification of the identity of the person “has a discretionary nature and is aimed at guaranteeing the legitimate possession of the certification itself. This verification will in any case be necessary in cases of abuse or circumvention of the rules, such as, for example, when the inconsistency with the personal data contained in the certification appears manifest “. The verification, explains the Interior Ministry,” must in any case be carried out in a manner that also protects the confidentiality of the person vis-à-vis third parties “. The Interior Ministry then specifies that “the patron is required to show an identity document, even if the requesting verifier does not fall within the category of public officials”. specify that the current provisions identify two different successive phases. The first consists in verifying the possession of the green certification by the subjects who intend to access the activities for which it is prescribed. This first verification occurs in any case and precisely for this reason it is configured ” as ” a real obligation on the part of the subjects delegated to it “, specifies the circular of the Interior Ministry signed by the head of the Cabinet Bruno Frattasi. ” second phase ”, it is explained in the text, ” consists in the demonstration by the holder of the green certification of their personal identity by showing an identity document ”. a further verification in order to contrast cases of abuse or circumvention of the provisions. Unlike the first ”, this verification ” does not recur without fail ” as shown by ” the phrase ‘at the request of the verifiers’ ”. in which the Green pass was counterfeited or “the non-correspondence between the holder of the green certification and the holder of the same” was ascertained, it is emphasized in the circular that the sanction applies only to the patron, ” where there are no obvious responsibilities on the part of the operator “. The penalties range from 400 to 1000 euros, both for customers and for managers (in case there is a responsibility). And who owns a place and violates the control obligation at least three times on three different days, could face the closure, from 1 to 10 days, of the entrepreneurial activity.

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