Vaccine covid, Locatelli: “Also for children in autumn”

“From November the vaccine also for children”. Franco Locatelli, coordinator of the CTS and director of the Department of Oncohematology, Cell Therapy, Gene Therapies and Hemopoietic Transplantation of the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome, announces it in an interview with Messaggero: “Pfizer and Moderna are close to the authorization for the youngest, the under 12 “. “I believe that it is necessary to vaccinate even the smallest ones – underlines the expert – Please remind me that in Italy, since the beginning of the pandemic, 28 pediatric patients have died. And of these 13 were less than 10 years old. Distributed as follows: 4 under 3 years, 4 from 3 to 5 years, 5 from 6 to 10. Furthermore, by vaccinating children we will avoid outbreaks even in elementary schools and therefore recourse to distance learning. We will limit the circulation of the virus and the possibility that it infects parents and grandparents. Both the Italian and American pediatric societies are in favor of vaccinating children “. “However, there is also a great deal of work to be done to secure those from previous decades, which are respectively, starting from the age of sixty and down to forty, at 18, 26 and 34 percent still to be fully vaccinated. Counting the over 50s. , there are 4.5 million people who have not completed the vaccination process “, Locatelli continues, adding:” We have always said that the vaccine does not give total coverage compared to the simple risk of infection. But I repeat: effectiveness compared the risk of going to intensive care or dying is 97 percent. ”

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