Rome, corpse of a man in the street: he would have been crushed while trying to steal a car

Around 6.30 this morning the body of a man was found by a passer-by next to a parked car in via Montefalco, Furio Camillo area. On the spot the 118 health workers, who could not help but ascertain the death, and the carabinieri of Tuscolana and Piazza Dante. Identified, the body belongs to a 42-year-old Albanian, known for crimes against the person, property and drugs, subject to the obligation of presentation at the barracks in Santa Maria delle Mole. The medical examiner on the spot highlighted a major wound in the back of the skull. According to an initial reconstruction of the facts, the victim, probably with the help of accomplices who later disappeared, would have lifted with a jack the car near which the body was found, to take away the mechanical components, being crushed by the weight of the same. car because of the jack that failed. A flashlight and a confiscated smartphone were found under the car. The military of the investigative unit was on site for the surveys. Investigations are underway to identify any accomplices, while the body has been made available to the judicial authority.

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