Heat wave over Italy, today 4 red dot cities

These are the days of the great heat over Italy, with the African anticyclone Lucifer pushing temperatures up. The peak between today and tomorrow, when it is expected between 47-48 degrees in the South and on the two major islands. Read also The daily bulletin on heat waves of the Ministry of Health sees for today 4 cities with red stickers (Bari, Campobasso, Rieti and Rome) and 9 orange ones (Bologna, Brescia, Catania, Frosinone, Latina, Palermo, Perugia, Trieste and Viterbo). Tomorrow, Wednesday 11th, the situation will worsen with as many as 8 red-labeled cities (in Bari, Campobasso, Rieti and Rome, Frosinone, Latina, Palermo and Perugia will be added). There will be 13 from the orange sticker: Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Florence, Messina, Milan, Naples, Reggio Calabria, Trieste, Verona and Viterbo). On Thursday, the cities with a red dot are joined by Frosinone, Latina, Palermo and Perugia. Level 3 alert (red dot) “indicates emergency conditions (heat wave) with possible negative effects on the health of healthy and active people and not only on subgroups at risk – highlights the ministry – such as the elderly, very young children and people with chronic diseases. The longer the heat wave, the greater the expected negative effects on health “. Level 2 (city orange dot) indicates meteorological conditions that may pose a health risk, particularly in the most susceptible subgroups of the population.

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