Covid, under 12 masks are required at school. Tar Lazio: “illegitimate Dpcm”

No to the obligation of a mask for students under 12 at school. This was established by the TAR of Lazio, defining the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (Dpcm) of January 14, 2021 “illegitimate”, but only for compensation purposes. The appeal was presented by the parents of a 9-year-old girl from the Alto Adige who attended primary school. The couple, assisted by lawyers Linda Corrias and Francesco Scifo, opposed the imposition of the obligation, imposed by the Conte government, which provided for children aged between 6 and 11 to wear a mask for everything the time of classroom lessons. The applicants, the appeal reads, “complain that the imposition of the obligation to wear a mask, for all the time of the lessons ‘in presence’, is unmotivated and is vitiated by a lack of preliminary investigation as it was adopted in contrast with the indications provided by the Scientific Technical Committee and the World Health Organization, without providing any support in support of this determination “. Parents, furthermore, defining the government’s choice as “disproportionate and unreasonable”, “complain that no measures have been taken to ensure that a minor, even without overt pathologies, can be exempted from the use of a mask in the classroom where suffers from oxygenation losses or other disturbances or difficulties “. Avvocato Scifo” It is a historic sentence that of the TAR, because it establishes that no preventive impact assessment was made. It was an illegitimate decision, made without evaluating the pros and the cons of the choice “, the lawyer Francesco Scifo told Adnkronos. “The sentence is very important – reiterated the lawyer Scifo – because it allows compensation for damages for an obligation that is abusive, that of wearing masks indoors without any prescription or medical evaluation having been made before. We will take action against Conte and his friends. ministers pursuant to article 28 of the Constitution for personal responsibility, with will of willful misconduct. We will take collective action for all Italians asking them for damages. We will also take action against Draghi because he inserted the measure in decree law 52/2021 and subsequent . Tell us what are the scientific provisions that support the measure. The truth is that the governments didn’t give a damn, they didn’t make any scientific evaluation. The choice responds only to political criteria: there was an excess of power “.

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