Yellow zone, from Sicily to Sardinia: who risks tougher rules

Yellow zone, Sardinia and Sicily risk a color change at the end of August. The two regions could face stricter rules and measures than the current ones according to the new parameters set by decree by the government on 23 July last. We remain in the white zone if there are less than 50 weekly infections per 100 thousand inhabitants, if the occupancy rate of intensive care does not exceed 10% and if the number of beds occupied in the hospital wards does not exceed 15%. To date, Sardinia has 142 positives out of 100 thousand inhabitants and 11% of the beds occupied in intensive care. Even in Sicily, there is a worrying increase in covid cases and in hospital patients. The balance drawn by the Civil Protection on the progress of the pandemic on the island in the last week is a negative one. The Statistical Office of the Municipality of Palermo has released the data released by the Civil Protection Department which, in the note, speaks of “a worrying increase in the week just ended: the new positives, the hospitalized (ordinary and in intensive care) have increased. , new entrants to intensive care and the deceased “. In Sicily there were 5,097 new positives, 14.7% more than the previous week, when an increase of 23.5% had already been recorded. The ratio between positive swabs and swabs carried out also increased, passing from 4.5% to 5.1%. The threshold of 5 thousand new cases in a week had not been exceeded for three months (the last time in the week from 3 to 9 May, with 5,568 new positives). The number of new positives in six weeks has more than sixfold, from 784 in the week of June 21 to 27 to 5,097 in the last week. The number of current positives is 14,077, 2,858 more than the previous week. There are 13,605 people in home isolation, 2,714 more than the previous week. The hospitalized are 472, of which 54 in intensive care. Compared to the previous week, they increased by 144 units (intensive care patients instead increased by 21 units). In the week just ended, 28 new admissions to intensive care were registered (double the previous week). The number of people hospitalized in Sicily represents 3.4% of the current positives (those hospitalized in intensive care are 0.4%). Other regions are registering increasing numbers. In Lazio, for example, the employment rate of intensive care is worrying, which in a week went from 3.7% to 6%. Numbers that, however, do not justify a change of color to date.

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