Green pass Italy, what are the valid tests to have the certification

As is now known, the person who has been vaccinated against Covid-19 (even just the first dose) or has obtained a negative result on the molecular / antigen test or is cured of Covid can obtain the Green pass, required in Italy to participate in the parties for civil and religious ceremonies, access to nursing homes or other facilities, move in and out of territories classified in the ‘red zone’ or ‘orange zone’, and from 6 August mandatory to access any type of catering service at indoor table and a whole series of activities: shows, events and sports competitions, museums, institutes and places of culture, swimming pools, gyms, wellness centers, fairs, festivals, conferences and congresses, spas, theme and amusement parks, centers cultural and recreational facilities, gambling halls and casinos, public competitions. Currently, it is explained in the faq on the National Platform-DGC, the valid tests for having the green Covid certification are the molecular test, which allows to detect the presence of genetic material (RNA) of the virus (this type of test is carried out on a sample of respiratory secretions, usually a nasopharyngeal swab), and the rapid antigen test included in the common European list of rapid antigen tests for Covid-19. This test carried out with nasal, oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swabs allows to quickly highlight (30-60 min) the presence of components (antigens) of the virus. It must be carried out by health professionals or trained personnel who certify the type, the date on which it was carried out and the result and transmit the data through the Health Card System to the national platform-DGC for the issue of the certification. Rapid self-tests, salivary tests and serological tests are currently excluded.