Lucifer is coming, it will be the strongest heat wave of the summer

An intense heat wave is coming that will envelop our entire country day after day. Needless to say, writes that the responsible for this new return of the great heat is the African anticyclone called, not surprisingly. Luciferio.
For several years now it has been he who has forced us to experience really difficult summer brackets on the climate front. Hard times therefore for lovers of fresh air who will have to be very patient to find a more pleasant climate. In fact, there will not be only the sometimes exceptional temperatures to make this African blaze perhaps the most intense of the season, but the duration will also take care of it since at least until August 15th there are no signs of change. Here is in detail how the climatic situation will evolve in the coming days. Gradually increasing heat already with the first days of the new week when between Monday 9 and Wednesday 11 the thermometers will rise degree after degree until reaching really exaggerated peaks. The South and the two major islands will once again be under observation. Do you think that on some stretches of Sicily it will even rise up to values ​​of 47/48 ° C. Well over 40 ° C also in Sardinia and on many parts of the South such as Calabria and Puglia. But the thermometers will also rise well in the Center-North where, however, such high values ​​will not be reached even if the phenomenon of the heat will complicate our lives. With an unusual maneuver, the African high pressure will shift its greatest energy towards the regions of the Center-North. Strength game, some points will be lost in the South while temperatures will rise further elsewhere. in the Po Valley as well as in the internal sectors of Emilia. It will therefore be a really hot weekend for many regions of the country even if, given the distance in the forecast, we advise you to follow the next updates for further confirmations.