“Here are the most authentic and genuine people, schoolmates, friends with whom Fabrizio shared healthy experiences. Here there is no room for murderers, traitors and hypocrites”. Thus his sister Angela recalled Fabrizio Piscitelli, in a commemoration organized by the Diabolik family at the Parco degli Acquedotti in Rome, where two years ago, on 7 August 2019, the ultras of Lazio, former leader of the Irriducibili, was killed in full day with a gunshot to the head while waiting for someone sitting on a bench. A shocking crime that is still unpunished at the moment. During the commemoration, a family friend sang some songs, including ‘The absence’ by Fiorella Mannoia and the ‘Angels’ by Vasco Rossi, and white, blue and red balloons were flown. “My son, that terrible news accompanies us at every moment of the day. We will never forget and forgive those who took you away”, said Piscitelli’s mother, adding: “We want to think that you are in a place where killers will never be able to enter. “. “Two years were a long time to wait for an answer from justice and few to get used to this absence”, his sister Angela said, adding that “Fabrizio liked so much to have friends around him and he liked him so much that he confused them with enemies”. The commemoration comes a few days after the last journalistic revelation on the case, that of the Espresso according to which the alleged killer of Piscitelli was killed in Albania. A revelation whose details reported in black and white have provoked the reaction of family members, who for two years have been asking for light to be shed as soon as possible on the case, without, however, that for the moment no concrete investigative breakthrough has occurred. The District Anti-Mafia Directorate of the Capital investigates for voluntary homicide aggravated by the mafia method. According to the investigators, that of Fabrizio Piscitelli would have been an execution carried out by an expert killer, a “professional”. Undoubtedly a ruthless killer, who acted in broad daylight and in a place crowded with people without fear. Many journalistic reconstructions have attempted to frame the crime, reconstructing scenarios and providing details which, however, in no case have been confirmed by the investigators. ” After what we have read, we expect a strong and incisive response from the police and the prosecutor’s office – the lawyer of Piscitelli’s parents, Tiziana Siano, told Adnkronos, commenting on the latest revelation from the press – Enough silence … We will look for confirmations or denials … but answers … My clients want justice and not revenge ”. A request also arrived from Fabrizio’s parents. ” However complex the case of our son is, we ask ourselves today if everything that could be done has really been done but above all if it was done promptly and without irreparable errors that we strongly fear. We hope to be wrong ”, they said in an interview with Adnkronos. ” We fought and with great suffering, but miserably failed – they added – We deserve justice, indeed, we have the right to have it together with the citizens of Rome given the connotations of this murder widely described by the investigating bodies, newspaper articles, documentaries, etc. The institutions have the duty to give a clear and lasting answer over time because leaving this crime without names would be serious even for the collective imagination forced to ask: who is in charge in Rome? ”.
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